Americans are not so much a forgiving people as we are a forgetting people. Great evils are not so much atoned for as they are moved on from, especially in the political sphere. The news cycle is a rinse cycle. My hope, however, is that I might serve as a remind-er, one who reminds. That some of you, for reading this, might better remember. And just maybe, we won’t get fooled again.
Here is a list of people and institutions who were caught in the most egregious lies imaginable, prevarications so destructive that it’s hard to fathom that such people would ever open their mouths again.
1. The Covid Karens
Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH and WHO didn’t merely make a mistake in their assessment of COVID, its origins and the safety and efficacy of the vaccine but a. knew they were lying and b. nearly destroyed the world. How far down the chain of command this goes I couldn’t say. My family doctor encouraging the jab didn’t do wonders for his credibility, but I still basically trust him. The higher ups are bald-faced liars.
2. The Jack’s a Jills
It seems every day there’s a new study coming out from the Institute for the Obvious telling us that the sexually confused are a few queens shy of a full deck. Ya think? Yet we have government school bureaucrats telling us that a. this is normal b. this must be accommodated in the bathroom and the sports field c. it’s nothing some experimental drugs and a scalpel can’t cure and d. they should get to decide what to do rather than parents. The kids may be confused. Those pushing the confusion are not. They are evil.
3. The Climate Chicken Littles
It is an inconvenient truth that every single prediction of impending doom solemnly announced just a few decades ago is drowning not in rising sea levels but rising barnyard substance levels. They made a critical mistake in their strategy. As long as their models and science was over our head, they could fool us a bit. But it couldn’t make us care. So they switched to doomsday scenarios we could understand, and deadlines we would soon face, only to have the calamity go back in its hole like Punxsutawny Phil after seeing his shadow. They haven’t delivered the bads. Because they are lying and they know it.
4. The Maxwell Smart Brigade
When 51 current and former high ranking intelligence officials assured us, days before the 2020 election, that the Hunter Biden laptop looked like a Russian disinformation op, they missed it by this much. If by “this much” we mean all the way from here to Russia. Some of those same men had already demonstrated their credibility when they treated the Steele dossier as Holy Writ rather than what it was, fan fiction emailed from Hillary’s private server.
5. The Sharp as a Tack Confederacy of Dunces
In the run up to his walking away from the 2024 presidential race, dozens of Dems parroted their talking point that President Biden was as sharp as a tack. While they knew he was as dumb as a box of nails. They asked the entire country, “Are you going to believe us, or your lying eyes?” And the media played right along.
Lying as a strategy only “works” if either the lie has enough credibility to be believed, or if the audience forgets when its been lied to. Don’t believe the hype. Never, ever again.