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Monthly Archives: January 2020
Meeting with Jesus, Larry Mininger, Hero and the Scandal of Grace
Today’s JCE Podcast
Posted in apologetics, assurance, church, grace, Heroes, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, RC Sproul JR, scandal
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, Jesus Changes Everything, joy, Justification, kingdom, RC Sproul Jr, scandal
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Ask RC- How do we best fight against arrogance?
On the one hand I’m the perfect person to ask this question. Because I struggle deeply against this sin. On the other hand I’m the worst person to ask this question because I so often lose the struggle. Not because … Continue reading
Posted in Ask RC, assurance, Devil's Arsenal, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, prayer, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Ask RC, Christian Testimony, devil, Forgiveness, gratitude, joy, kingdom, prayer, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
Lisa Joins Me for Life in the Blender and I Introduce a New Segment- The Feast, on the Lord’s Supper
Today’s JCE Podcast
Posted in Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, Life in a Blender, Lisa Sproul, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Blended Families, church, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, marriage, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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The World and All
The Sadducees and Pharisees were no dummies. They just weren’t as smart as their enemy. As we read through the gospel accounts it seems their strategy was simple- they would put an end to Jesus by forcing him to destroy … Continue reading
Posted in Biblical Doctrines, church, creation, cyberspace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, sovereignty, theology, wonder
Tagged Ascension, church, culture wars, eschatology, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, peace, RC Sproul Jr
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To See the Kingdom
“Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Jesus spoke this to Nicodemus in John 3. It is, like every text, an important one. Jesus gives us a prerequisite, a sine … Continue reading
Posted in church, Doctrines of Grace, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, doctrines of grace, eschatology, heaven, kingdom, kingdom notes, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Lisa and I review The Aeronaughts, M is for Man and Addicted to Mediocrity
Today’s Jesus Changes Everything
Posted in ABCs of Theology, creation, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, Lisa Sproul, RC Sproul JR, theology, wonder
Tagged culture wars, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, movies, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Ask RC- How can I know if I’m saved? 5 Key Principles
There is no greater personal issue than our relationship with the living God. There are no greater stakes imaginable than the difference between eternal torment and eternal bliss. As such it is no wonder that so many struggle with issues … Continue reading
Posted in Ask RC, assurance, Biblical Doctrines, church, Devil's Arsenal, Doctrines of Grace, grace, kingdom, prayer, RC Sproul JR, theology
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, devil, eschatology, Forgiveness, God's love, heaven, joy, Justification, kingdom, peace, RC Sproul Jr
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Simul Justus et Peccator, All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes and I Know a Little Greek (Philosophy)
Today’s JCE Podcast
Posted in apologetics, Books, creation, Doctrines of Grace, grace, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, philosophy, RC Sproul JR
Tagged apologetics, church, culture wars, devil, doctrines of grace, Forgiveness, God's love, Jesus Changes Everything, Justification, kingdom, philosophy, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Beating Mr. Bulver, or Suspecting the Man in the Mirror
That Bulverism is a fallacy (wherein one discredits the conclusions of another on the grounds that said conclusions benefit the concluder) does not mean that it is not also a temptation. Suppose, for instance, I were to make the argument … Continue reading
Posted in Biblical Doctrines, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR
Tagged church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand, Francis Schaeffer’s Christian Manifesto and More…
Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in abortion, apologetics, Books, church, Economics in This Lesson, Heroes, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, sovereignty
Tagged apologetics, biblical economics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, lies, RC Sproul Jr, statism
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