Ask RC- Where is the church weakest today?

This question was, and perhaps still, is a staple during Q and A’s at our biggest conferences. When I found myself on the platform my answer surprised me in not surprising everyone. My father would, and he was a plenty smart man, always say that it is our abominable Christology. We don’t know who Jesus is. Nothing could be more important.

Not wanting to simply add “What he said” to my father’s wisdom, I typically answered this way- “Our greatest weakness is our weak ecclesiology.” I expected jaws to drop, or at the very least, half the audience to cock their heads to one side like confused dogs. Ecclesiology? Who cares about that?

Jesus does. Deeply, profoundly. Now I can grow frustrated when people grumble and complain about big theological words. We all ought to be able to distinguish imputation from infusion. Distinctions and subtleties matter. That said, sometimes big theological words obscure rather than clarify. Sanctification, for instance, is a perfectly fitting word, until its sophistication and grandeur obscures the truth that we are seeking to become more like Jesus. Nothing complicated about that.

So it is with ecclesiology. Ecclesiology is the doctrine of the church. It shows up rather late in our systematic theologies. There have been precious few titanic struggles in the history of the church over the nature of the church. Ecclesiology smells obscure, pedantic, impractical, even dusty.

Why then do I affirm that Jesus not only cares about ecclesiology, but does so deeply and profoundly? One could even say He loves ecclesiology, loves it so much that He married her. Which answers the “why.” The church is not just a doctrine we ought to get right. She is the beloved of our Lord. It is not just a section of our systematics, but she is the apple of His eye. It is she that He came for, lived for, died for, suffered the wrath of the Father for. It was for her that He was vindicated in His resurrection. She is the queen who sits beside Him as He sits enthroned at the right hand of the Father. She is the focus of His ongoing work as He washes us, cleanses us that we might be spotless. She is the joy that was set before Him. And she will be the one with whom He will dance and feast at the end of all things, at the marriage feast of the Lamb.

Don’t you think we should spend more time contemplating the one that He loves? Should we not labor to honor her, the true Queen of the Universe? And shouldn’t we not only acknowledge that she is us, but rejoice over that glory? He loves us, is at work in us, has secured us, washes us, intercedes for us, dwells with us with understanding, protects us, and delights in us.

Our ecclesiology is woefully low. His is joyfully high. Lord, help us to submit to You and to see us as You do.

Tonight, at 7:00 eastern we begin on Facebook Live a new study on the church, titled, The Second Eve. All are welcome to join us at RC-Lisa Sproul.

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One Response to Ask RC- Where is the church weakest today?

  1. Bruce Hatcher says:

    Thanks for the help.
    Who in Christ am i? Treasured.

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