Blah, Blah, Blahg

My reputation is often savagely assaulted in the Devil’s great gossip tool, the world wide web. There’s plenty to talk about, since I not only have plenty of sin in my life, but some of my most spectacular sins are widely known. Entire websites have been created for the sole purpose of trumpeting my weaknesses, some real and some imagined. When my reputation is being mauled all over the internet, friends express their dismay and concern, wondering why, oh why I don’t answer my critics. The answer is simple enough- I believe the Bible says not to.

Proverbs tells us to answer a fool according to his folly, lest be become wise in his own eyes. It likewise enjoins us not to answer a fool according to his folly, lest we become like him. Wisdom is the ability to know when we are to do the one, and when the other. Here is one piece of evidence that it is better to not answer a fool in this case. Internet critics like nothing more than to be answered. They love being thrown into the Bre’r patch to dicker over arguments, and they are tarbabies that will not let go. The best way to silence these fools is to give them nothing to talk about. Soon enough, they’ll start arguing with each other.

But what if they’re right? David, while fleeing his own son, is harassed by Shimei. Shimei scurries along the cliffs while David and his men travel through the valley. He is exposing their position. He is throwing rocks and dirt upon the King. His tongue is wagging, rejoicing in the hardship of the one who took Saul’s throne. Abishai, one of David’s men, offers to silence this fool with his sword. But David sees the hand of God in this. “He is cursing because the Lord said to him, ‘Curse David.’… “Let him curse, for the Lord has told him to.” Nothing that has been written about me, whether it is true or false, has been written outside the will of God. Even when it is all lies, but especially when it is not, perhaps God might humble me under this barrage. That’s a good thing, not something to fight against.

Last, I won’t fight back on the internet for this simple reason- I don’t want to get in God’s way. My response should be prayer and more prayer, each time affirming, “Nevertheless, not my will but Thine be done.” If God wants to protect my reputation among my friends, He will do so. If He wants to restore my reputation among former friends, He will do so. If He wants to bring judgment against those who spread gossip and calumnies, He will do so. If He does none of these things, yet will I praise Him. Naked I came into this world, and naked I will return. Blessed be the name of God.

One wise man told me many times, “Never let your critics set your agenda.” So far, God has given me work to do. He has given me friends to teach, to exhort and to encourage. He has given me friends who are willing and able to work beside me. I intend to so serve Him as long as He will allow.

This entry was posted in apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, friends, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, prayer, RC Sproul JR, scandal and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Blah, Blah, Blahg

  1. Brian Shultz says:

    Praise the Lord you are a human being and not a robotic caricature of a Christian. All have fallen short of God’s glory – yours just in the spot light. I have met, cared for, and lamented with many Christian men who suffer all kinds of demons in silence, believing that to whisper their sins out loud somehow makes them unworthy of God’s Grace. NEWS FLASH, I have yet to meet a perfect person, except the one that dwells within my heart. Christ gathers the broken to his bosom, and offers perfection, some day, in our new bodies. He does not promise perfection now, but the opposite. You are God’s child, therefore, you will have no condemnation from me, as the log that projects from my eye is still being removed. Someday, all will be revealed and you will stand, washed in the blood of Christ, white as snow, before our Creator. Not because you are sinless, but because He is. May our Lord continue to bless you and keep you, and your family.

  2. Michael Clingman says:

    I have always appreciated your teaching and love you even more knowing you are a real person. You are a man after God’s own heart. Good for ignoring the wolves with an agenda. Some of the same that are trying to take pastor MacArthur down. You are in good company. Many blessings!

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