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Category Archives: apologetics
What can we learn from two years of COVID?
Far more fragile than the human immune system is the human liberty system. That is, of all the frightening things that have come our way through the pandemic years, none frightens me more than to witness great swaths not just … Continue reading
Posted in apologetics, Ask RC, church, covid-19, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, persecution, politics, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, scandal, special edition
Tagged apologetics, Ascension, Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, lies, peace, politics, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, scandal, statism, suffering
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Festivus From the Best of Us
One would need to be a Scrooge indeed to begrudge those who deny Jesus the happiness they enjoy on the occasion of the celebration of His birth. Jesus is for those who rest in Him, but He has indeed blessed … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, Advent, apologetics, beauty, church, creation, ethics, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, philosophy, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, repentance, wonder
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, God's love, gratitude, joy, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Blood in the Streets
Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, appeal, church, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, politics, RC Sproul JR, repentance, scandal
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, lies, politics, RC Sproul Jr, scandal
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Why did God destroy Sodom?
There are, in our day, two principle competing views on how to answer this question. Because we live in a world where those committing sexual perversion have become a protected class, certain circles of the church have rushed to accommodate … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, church, covid-19, creation, kingdom, RC Sproul JR, sexual confusion
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, kingdom, lies, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Net Losses
A given culture’s depravity isn’t measured simply by the percentage of Christians in that culture. Vital to the equation are two other factors. First, and most important, is how spiritually mature those Christians are. Corinth remained a sewer not because … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, politics, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, repentance, sexual confusion
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, marriage, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, scandal
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Diagnosing Diagnostics
When you have a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail. In like manner, when you have a wrench everything looks like a bolt. Any given tool empowers us and tempts us. It makes easier the task for which … Continue reading
Posted in apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Is a free market economy the most biblical?
It is. When we look at the establishment of the nation of Israel, that nation that received its civil law directly from God, we find that that law left the citizens of Israel free to buy and sell as they … Continue reading
Be Careful in Here
Is it the incessant push to have a take? Is it communications reduced to 280 characters? Is it political polarization pushed by algorithms driving us all into our respective echo chambers? How, I’m asking, do we account for our increasing … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, beauty, Biblical Doctrines, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, on writing well, politics, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, peace, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, writing
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Forever Friend; No Lives Matter
Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, creation, ethics, friends, friendship, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, politics, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, culture wars, friendship, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Cults ‘R’ Us
There are any number of ways that cultural confusion always walks down the aisle with relativism. Divorce, in this instance, isn’t an option. If, for instance, we all agree that there is no such thing as right and wrong, then … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, Apostles' Creed, Biblical Doctrines, church, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, philosophy, politics, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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