Category Archives: Apostles’ Creed

Animism; Purpose Driven Wife, Walking Hard Places; Credible Profession

Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast

Posted in apologetics, Apostles' Creed, assurance, church, communion, creation, ism, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, Purpose Driven Wife, RC Sproul JR, wonder | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

New Thesis, New Reformation

Thesis 81- We must stop passing judgment on one another. It is all too easy, when the culture is veering wildly to the left to think the solution is to veer wildly to the right. The world has planted its … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, apologetics, Apostles' Creed, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, RC Sproul JR, Reformation, Theses | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on New Thesis, New Reformation

Q is for Queen of Queens, Theology Proper

Posted in 10 Commandments, ABCs of Theology, Apostles' Creed, beauty, Bible Study, Biblical Doctrines, creation, RC Sproul JR, sovereignty, theology, Westminster Shorter Catechism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Q is for Queen of Queens, Theology Proper

Tri-theism; The Good Samaritan; God on the Warpath

Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast

Posted in 10 Commandments, Apostles' Creed, Biblical Doctrines, church, ism, Jesus Changes Everything, parables, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Tri-theism; The Good Samaritan; God on the Warpath

Get Thee to the Church on Time

There was some reason for optimism, even in the darkest days of COVID. Pastors with whom I spoke (admittedly a small sample size) all affirmed two things. First, despite not meeting live and in person, giving did not go down. … Continue reading

Posted in 10 Commandments, Apostles' Creed, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, covid-19, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Get Thee to the Church on Time

ABCs of Theology- O is for Ontological Trinity

Posted in ABCs of Theology, apologetics, Apostles' Creed, beauty, Bible Study, Biblical Doctrines, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on ABCs of Theology- O is for Ontological Trinity

The ABCs of Theology, O is for Ontological Trinity

Tonight, 7 eastern, we continue our ABCs of Theology Study, looking at O is for Ontological Trinity. All are welcome in our home or on FB live, RC-Lisa Sproul. We pray you’ll join us.

Posted in ABCs of Theology, announcements, Apostles' Creed, Bible Study, Biblical Doctrines, RC Sproul JR, wonder | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The ABCs of Theology, O is for Ontological Trinity

ABCs of Theology Study- N is for New Bodies

Listen in as we celebrate our redemption to the uttermost, the fullness of His promises, new and imperishable bodies inhabiting a new heavens and a new earth. GLORY!

Posted in ABCs of Theology, Apostles' Creed, assurance, beauty, Bible Study, Biblical Doctrines, church, creation, Facebook Live, grace, kingdom, RC Sproul JR, wonder | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on ABCs of Theology Study- N is for New Bodies

The Nature of the Beast- Persecution Draws Near

How easy it is for us to find comfort in the distance between us and hardship. We know famines happen, but not here. We know political dissent is repressed, but not here. We know Christians are persecuted. But not here. … Continue reading

Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Apostles' Creed, Biblical Doctrines, church, covid-19, Devil's Arsenal, evangelism, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, politics, RC Sproul JR, sexual confusion | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Nature of the Beast- Persecution Draws Near

Atin-Lay, De fide; Catechism 73; Forever Friends

Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast

Posted in 10 Commandments, Apostles' Creed, Atin-Lay, Biblical Doctrines, friends, friendship, Jesus Changes Everything, RC Sproul JR, Westminster Shorter Catechism | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Atin-Lay, De fide; Catechism 73; Forever Friends