Category Archives: politics

Reparations, Guilt and Justice

What about reparations? I’m in favor of reparations. I’m in favor of them because the Bible is in favor of them. When God established His nation, when He delivered that law which was to govern His people He established reparations … Continue reading

Posted in apologetics, Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, church, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, kingdom, persecution, politics, RC Sproul JR, repentance | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Reparations, Guilt and Justice

Lockdowns? It’s Deja Vu All Over Again; Bible in 5, II Corinthians

Today’s Jesus Changes Everything

Posted in 10 Commandments, church, covid-19, ethics, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, persecution, politics, preaching, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Lockdowns? It’s Deja Vu All Over Again; Bible in 5, II Corinthians

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them- Postmoderns, COVID and Miss Information

It is as deadly as it is swift and easy, the refutation of our most sacred national creed. That creed affirms, “There is no such thing as objective truth.” With these three words we refute it, slay it, and dust … Continue reading

Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, church, covid-19, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, philosophy, politics, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, sexual confusion | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them- Postmoderns, COVID and Miss Information

The Gospel at Work- Dan Smithwick

Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast

Posted in apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, Devil's Arsenal, Education, interview, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, philosophy, politics, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Gospel at Work- Dan Smithwick

Sniffing Out the Truth

Opinions are like noses, they say, everyone has one. One very common nose is that this bit of received wisdom means that we can never really know the truth. Which, of course, is a truth claim, and so contradicts itself. … Continue reading

Posted in apologetics, church, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, politics, post-modernism, preaching, RC Sproul JR, repentance | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Sniffing Out the Truth

Three Bad Pro-Life Arguments

  There is a thin line between friendly fire and sound coaching. I’m grateful for everyone who recognizes the humanity of the unborn and longs to see them protected from all who would do them harm. That said, from time … Continue reading

Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, ethics, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, politics, RC Sproul JR, sexual confusion, sovereignty | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Three Bad Pro-Life Arguments

Terrorism; Curating Movies, Reign of Fire; Carpe Diem

Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast

Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, ism, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, Lisa Sproul, persecution, politics, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Terrorism; Curating Movies, Reign of Fire; Carpe Diem

Shooting from the HIPPA; Bible in 5 Minutes, Romans

Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast

Posted in apologetics, church, covid-19, ethics, Jesus Changes Everything, persecution, politics, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shooting from the HIPPA; Bible in 5 Minutes, Romans

Knowing the Enemy

There are, no matter what may be happening around the globe, at least three wars going on at the same time. There is, from the garden of Eden to the consummation of the Kingdom of God the battle between the … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, creation, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, evangelism, friends, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, politics, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Knowing the Enemy

Missing the (Decimal) Point

It’s a crazy real estate market out there. Prices have shot through the roof faster than, well, faster than the last real estate bubble we had. My neighbor across the way had 31 live viewers the first day it was … Continue reading

Posted in 10 Commandments, creation, Economics in This Lesson, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, politics, RC Sproul JR | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments