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Category Archives: preaching
The Preponderant Problem of Power Preaching Pulpits
It’s a bad fault of mine, but I suspect you suffer from it as well. My fault is that I assume that others have the same faults I do. If I struggle with pride, my guess is that those to … Continue reading
Posted in church, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, prayer, preaching, RC Sproul JR, shepherd's college, theology, wisdom, worship
Tagged church, kingdom, kingdom notes, RC Sproul Jr
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Evangelizing, Amidst the Ruins, Our Barbarian Hordes
Our strategies are often rather far from God’s strategies. Indeed, the simple fact that we sit down to strategize may be a sure sign that we are far from God’s chosen path. We are plotters and planners, who believe that … Continue reading
Posted in abortion, assurance, Biblical Doctrines, church, creation, Devil's Arsenal, eschatology, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, politics, post-modernism, preaching, RC Sproul JR, sovereignty
Tagged abortion, Ascension, Christian Testimony, culture wars, devil, God's love, kingdom, kingdom notes, peace, politics, RC Sproul Jr, suffering
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Should Lord’s Day Worship Be Designed for Evangelism?
No. We must not confuse worship with evangelism. All those opposed to evangelism raise your hands. It would be, if it even existed, a rather lonely clique, the “Christians against evangelism” club. Every believer believes in evangelism. And when we … Continue reading
Posted in Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, church, evangelism, preaching, RC Sproul JR, worship
Tagged Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, gratitude, heaven, RC Sproul Jr
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What’s wrong with expositional preaching?
Not much. Here is yet another place where we ought both to define our terms and to put the question in context. The majority of pulpits in this nation are filled with people sharing their own personal thoughts, with sprinklings … Continue reading
For what should the church be thankful?
While one could argue that Thanksgiving began with the church, in that it was celebrated by our spiritual fathers who came to these shores, it has become more of a family holiday. Families always have much for which to give … Continue reading
Posted in Ask RC, church, Education, evangelism, preaching, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, God's love, gratitude, RC Sproul Jr
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Feeling His Pleasure, or, Hands Across a Keyboard
Not long ago, in our study of First Thessalonians (see here) we came across Paul’s injunction that we aspire to a quiet life, and work with our own hands (4:11). We talked briefly about two errors we are prone to … Continue reading
Why is the church so biblically illiterate?
Because we in the pulpits do not preach God’s Word, and we in the pews neither read nor study God’s Word. There is no great mystery. We have not because we ask not. And when we do ask, we ask … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, Ask RC, Bible Study, Biblical Doctrines, church, preaching, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Ask RC, Bible study, church, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
God in the Hands of Angry Sinners- A Misunderstanding
It was a strange time for me. I was attending a high school that was so nominal in its commitment to the Christian faith that the high school English teacher was an atheist. Still, his was among my favorite classes, … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, Doctrines of Grace, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, preaching, RC Sproul JR, repentance, theology
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, doctrines of grace, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, kingdom, kingdom notes, RC Sproul Jr
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Cults ‘R’ Us- The Gross Error of Assertion
There are any number of ways that cultural confusion always walks down the aisle with relativism. Divorce, in this instance, isn’t an option. If, for instance, we all agree that there is no such thing as right and wrong, then … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, Big Eva, church, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, philosophy, post-modernism, preaching, RC Sproul JR, wisdom
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
Changing the World, While Keeping the Faith
Pop culture is a sanitizing force. No, it doesn’t make the world a cleaner place. It just makes us all the more the same. We are a world awash in golden arches, swooshes, and the real thing. Because people in … Continue reading
Posted in "race", Big Eva, church, creation, evangelism, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, preaching, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, God's love, kingdom, kingdom notes, marriage feast of the lamb, RC Sproul Jr
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