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Category Archives: preaching
I’m figuratively afraid that many people literally do not know what literally means. Many of those wrong on its meaning think it’s some means of intensifying. “I could drink an ocean” means “I’m thirsty.” “I could literally drink an ocean” … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, Bible Study, Biblical Doctrines, church, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, parables, post-modernism, preaching, RC Sproul JR, repentance, typology
Tagged apologetics, Bible study, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Lovers (of the World) Gonna Hate
Why, I have to wonder, is the slaughter of the unborn so low on the radar of so many evangelicals? Why do we get our dander up over racism or human trafficking, but not so much over abortion? Before I … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Big Eva, church, cyberspace, ethics, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, politics, post-modernism, preaching, RC Sproul JR, repentance, scandal
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, politics, prayer, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, scandal
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What Now? A Post Roe World
Despite a month long head start in believing/hoping that Roe v. Wade was about to be overturned, it remains a daily shock to wake up to this new world. As others have wisely said, this is not the end, not … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, church, ethics, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, politics, prayer, preaching, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged abortion, Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, kingdom, politics, prayer, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, scandal
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Father’s Day
In a few days I will have the opportunity to preach the gospel at Cedarville Community Church just outside Fort Wayne. It’s a small congregation where the pastor, Monte Sheets, has served for over 35 years. Monte is a fine … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, prayer, preaching, RC Sproul JR, wonder, worship
Tagged adoption, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, God's love, gratitude, heaven, joy, kingdom, kingdom notes, prayer, RC Sproul Jr
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A Broken and Contrite Spirit
Obedience, of course, is a good thing. Our Father delights to see His children embracing His wisdom, heeding His warnings, walking in the joy that is His law. When we dance in His presence we presage the beauty and glory … Continue reading
Posted in assurance, Biblical Doctrines, communion, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, prayer, preaching, psalms, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, devil, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, joy, Justification, kingdom, kingdom notes, peace, prayer, RC Sproul Jr
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A Time for Silence
When I grumble that some people aspire to be “more pious than God” my beef isn’t that these folks are adamant in their pursuit of godliness. My beef is that their standards are more narrow than the liberty God has … Continue reading
Posted in abortion, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, Education, ethics, evangelism, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, post-modernism, preaching, RC Sproul JR
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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In the Beginning, Gen. 1:1a; What I’d Say to Derek Chauvin
Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in 10 Commandments, Ask RC, beauty, Biblical Doctrines, creation, ethics, evangelism, Jesus Changes Everything, politics, preaching, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged apologetics, Ask RC, Bible study, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, Jesus Changes Everything, Race, RC Sproul Jr
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How should churches ensure singles feel valued?
By calling them, along with the marrieds, to repent and believe the gospel. I don’t want to diminish the hardship. The church is full of single people wishing they weren’t single. I do, however, want to suggest that such questions … Continue reading
Posted in Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, friendship, kingdom, preaching, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, friendship, RC Sproul Jr
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Fatalism; Play the Man
Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, ism, Jesus Changes Everything, philosophy, prayer, preaching, RC Sproul JR, Reformation, sovereignty
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, Jesus Changes Everything, prayer, RC Sproul Jr
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What’s the difference between teaching and preaching?
Like prose and poetry, these two terms are better understood as opposite ends of a spectrum, rather than raw opposites. When we write prose we are given to sundry poetic devices, word-plays, metaphors, etc. and when we write poetry we … Continue reading
Posted in Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, church, kingdom, preaching, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, Education, RC Sproul Jr
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