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Category Archives: repentance
Are Jewish believers and Gentile believers one body together?
Of course they are. Paul tells us in Galatians, an epistle written specifically to deal with questions related to the above, “Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham” (3:7). If you have faith and … Continue reading
Posted in apologetics, Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, church, cyberspace, grace, kingdom, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged apologetics, Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, eschatology, kingdom, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Immutable Love
It’s a good thing to have nice things. I’m all in favor of it, for me and for everyone else. You won’t find me confusing poverty for piety. That said, it was a wise poet who first wrote, “Mo’ money, … Continue reading
Posted in apologetics, assurance, beauty, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, repentance, wonder
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, heaven, joy, kingdom, kingdom notes, peace, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Festivus From the Best of Us
One would need to be a Scrooge indeed to begrudge those who deny Jesus the happiness they enjoy on the occasion of the celebration of His birth. Jesus is for those who rest in Him, but He has indeed blessed … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, Advent, apologetics, beauty, church, creation, ethics, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, philosophy, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, repentance, wonder
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, God's love, gratitude, joy, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Blood in the Streets
Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, appeal, church, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, politics, RC Sproul JR, repentance, scandal
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, lies, politics, RC Sproul Jr, scandal
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Net Losses
A given culture’s depravity isn’t measured simply by the percentage of Christians in that culture. Vital to the equation are two other factors. First, and most important, is how spiritually mature those Christians are. Corinth remained a sewer not because … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, politics, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, repentance, sexual confusion
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, marriage, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, scandal
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Be Careful in Here
Is it the incessant push to have a take? Is it communications reduced to 280 characters? Is it political polarization pushed by algorithms driving us all into our respective echo chambers? How, I’m asking, do we account for our increasing … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, beauty, Biblical Doctrines, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, on writing well, politics, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, peace, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, writing
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How can I know if my church is preaching the gospel?
It is a disheartening reality that we who affirm the doctrine of total depravity often don’t believe we are totally depraved. It’s true enough that there are institutions and individuals who flat deny the doctrine. Then there are those who … Continue reading
Posted in Ask RC, assurance, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, Doctrines of Grace, grace, kingdom, preaching, RC Sproul JR, repentance, theology
Tagged Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, doctrines of grace, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, joy, Justification, prayer, RC Sproul Jr
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The Spirit of Christmas Presents
Today’s Very Merry Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in Advent, beauty, Biblical Doctrines, grace, Jesus Changes Everything, kingdom, RC Sproul JR, repentance, special edition, wonder
Tagged Christian Testimony, God's love, gratitude, Jesus Changes Everything, joy, kingdom
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Culture War Casualties
While it may be true that there are two kinds of people in the world, (those who like to divide the world into two kinds of people and those who don’t), there are in turn myriad places to draw these … Continue reading
Posted in apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, creation, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, politics, prayer, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, eschatology, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, politics, prayer, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, suffering
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Consorting with Whores
That there is a deep and profound chasm that separates believing in the total depravity of man and our own understanding of the depth and scope of our own sin is a potent sign of the depth and scope of … Continue reading
Posted in assurance, Biblical Doctrines, church, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, repentance, scandal
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, God's love, gratitude, kingdom, kingdom notes, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, scandal
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