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The End of the End
When Alice found herself at a crossroads in Wonderland, she looked about for help. There in a tree nearby was a smile. Just a smile. Soon though, the full body of the Cheshire Cat appeared. Alice asked the cat which … Continue reading
Posted in Apostles' Creed, beauty, Biblical Doctrines, Biblical theology, church, creation, eschatology, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, resurrection, sovereignty, wonder, worship
Tagged Ascension, Christian Testimony, church, eschatology, heaven, kingdom, kingdom notes, marriage feast of the lamb, RC Sproul Jr
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Contextualizing Missions
It is just about the time that we begin to mock our fathers that we find ourselves slipping on the banana peels they have left behind. Consider our fathers’ failure to contextualize in missions. Generations ago great heroes went forth … Continue reading
Posted in Big Eva, church, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, preaching, RC Sproul JR, wisdom, worship
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Give Thanks
The best wisdom I can offer today is to get off the internet and give thanks. God bless you all.
Posted in 10 Commandments, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, prayer, RC Sproul JR, special edition, wisdom, worship
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, God's love, gratitude, kingdom, kingdom notes, peace, prayer, RC Sproul Jr
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Sacred Marriage; Seismic Shift? That 70s Food
This week’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in church, covid-19, ethics, grace, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, Month of Sundays, Nostalgia, politics, psalms, RC Sproul JR, Sacred Marriage, That 70s Kid, wonder, worship
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, God's love, gratitude, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, marriage, politics, RC Sproul Jr
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A Lifestyle of Gratitude
It is a sure sign that we are sinners that we tend to be more concerned about what we do than what we are. That is, our guilt or peace oftentimes is the fruit of our own judgment of how … Continue reading
Posted in Biblical Doctrines, church, Devil's Arsenal, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, repentance, wisdom, wonder, worship
Tagged adoption, Christian Testimony, church, God's love, gratitude, kingdom, kingdom notes, prayer, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Seeking Christ
Neil Postman, in his compelling book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, argues that we have moved as a culture from one wherein the printed word drives us, to one wherein the image drives us. With the advent of the printing press, … Continue reading
Hear O Israel, In the School of Christ
It is not hard to complain about the government’s schools. The government, at least during every election cycle, seems less than satisfied with its own product, ever promising us that it will improve. Atheists complain about prayers before football games. … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, Biblical Doctrines, church, creation, Education, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, prayer, RC Sproul JR, theology, wisdom, worship
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, Education, kingdom, kingdom notes, prayer, RC Sproul Jr
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Last Night’s Study, Romans 8, God’s Sons
Posted in assurance, beauty, Bible Study, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, grace, RC Sproul JR, theology, wonder, worship
Tagged Bible study, Christian Testimony, church, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, joy, peace, RC Sproul Jr
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Rainbow Colors
It’s 84 degrees. My face and my noggin are sunburned. And it’s October as I write. I live not only in the northern state of Indiana, but in the northern portion of the state. Which pushes me, as a lover … Continue reading
Posted in beauty, Biblical Doctrines, creation, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, philosophy, RC Sproul JR, sovereignty, wonder, worship
Tagged Christian Testimony, kingdom, kingdom notes, RC Sproul Jr
The Silence of the Lambs
The world, Paul tells us, knows what’s coming. Romans 1 not only highlights the universal guilt of all men, but, ironically, defines that guilt as the denial of what we know. We know that there is a God and that … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, assurance, beauty, Biblical Doctrines, Big Eva, church, communion, creation, Devil's Arsenal, eschatology, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, theology, wonder, worship
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, devil, eschatology, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, heaven, joy, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, marriage feast of the lamb, peace, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification