Dependence Day

It was just four years ago today as I write that I first put in a call to my beloved wife. Up until that point every bit of communication I made with her was online, typed out, safe and at a distance. You see I was in chains. I longed for death, for the rest of the grave. I had watched Lisa walk through hardship by her living faith. Standing on the sidelines I felt I was black and white, while she carried the very vibrancy of life. It did not take me long to discern that she was a good woman. And, over time, as I felt drawn toward her I realized that she was far too good for me. That she needed a far better man than me. That I would simply drag her down. So I pushed her away.

She, however, held the keys to my chains. She refused to leave me behind. She began to help me break free, to hope, to breathe, to live. Until, on Independence Day we scheduled our first live conversation. I called, and…. there was no answer. To her credit, she did call back. And from there she called me out, set me free. She became my safe place, my best friend, my joy, my treasure. Her loyalty is fierce, her gentleness tender.

She could have retired. She had done well. She had much to be proud of. But she isn’t through with me yet. She prays for me, encourages me, inspires me. And she makes me laugh. She has, from the day she set me free, from the moment the chains fell away, put on me the bonds of love. She has entwined me with her in a cord of three strands that is not easily broken. She has bound up my wounds and wrapped me in her embrace. The one He used to set me free is now the one He has bound me to and my independence has given way to my glorious dependence on her, the dependence I joyfully declare.

Four years later and we have walked together through countless battles. Like the Spirit of ’76 we stride side by side, walking in step with the Holy Spirit, wounded and limping. But we are together and there is music in our ears. We march on toward the prize, to the Celestial City whose builder and maker is God. Step by step.

Freedom is a wonderful thing to celebrate, to thank the living God for. But I give thanks, this day and every day for being bound. The one I am bound to and the One I am bound by, my savor and my Savior, my sister and my Brother, my Lady and my Lord, my bride and our Husband these are the ones I give thanks for, celebrate and depend on. She never lets me forget that He is good. He never lets me forget that she is His good gift to me. I am a blessed man.

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