There are two kinds of people in the world, those who divide the world into two kinds of people, and those who do not. I’m both. There is one kind of people, two kinds of people, three kinds of people and more kinds of people. The one is people. All people are people, bearing God’s image. The two are believers and unbelievers. The three could be Africans, Asians and Europeans. The more could be both citizens of many nations, plus every combination of the above.
God, in His mercy, has laid out His law on the relations of several of these divided peoples. We are commanded to love both our enemies and our neighbor, acknowledging our shared nature as image bearers. We are commanded to provide for our families. We are forbidden, as believers, to marry unbelievers. What the Bible says not the first word about is how we are to relate to people from other parts of the world, or with a differing set of genetic distinctives. Which is saying a lot.
Comes now modern Pharisees who, quoting long dead fathers, add to God’s law and seek to bind consciences where God has left us at liberty. They do so by taking one category of people and trying to stretch it into another. They take the truth that most of us are all closer kin to one ethnic or genetic subgroup and determine that such are our kin. To fail to prefer Caucasians over Asians, as a Caucasian, is to fail to abide by God’s command that we love our “family.”
We are in the midst of yet another donnybrook over these issues. Not the first time nor the last. See here.
God, however, while He did establish nations and boundaries, never established such a law. Which is why, ironically, virtually every kinist on the planet is, by kinism’s own understanding, a mutt, a mixed breed. Not only does skin color in the mind of the kinist equate to family, but it, ironically obliterates national boundaries. You won’t find kinists objecting to the Irish and the Spanish intermarrying. Though they would, on the other hand, object to say, a Hebrew marrying a Nubian. The law of family love flies right past national borders, only to land on skin color.
They could just as well move in the other direction. That is, love of kin can be defined as close kin, and run headlong into God’s laws against consanguinity. You can only marry someone who shares the same genetic connection to your grandfather, or worse, your father. That is, either your cousin or your sibling.
These folks line outside the colors in real life, while their ideology thrives on gratuitous self-made distinctions. The truth is that their loyalty is not to their national background, their continent of origin, their skin tone, but to their ideology. A white kinist has more in common with a black kinist than he does with a white Christian who rejects kinist ideology. I ought to know. I was reviled by the kinists before such was cool. I, despite being their kin, was mocked and targeted by them.
My hope is that they will find their way home, to the city whose builder and maker is God, following in the footsteps of who I hope is their father, Father Abraham, who had many sons; many sons had Father Abraham. I am one of them. Praise the Lord..
You broke out in doxology at the end of that. I’m curious, did you move the appropriate body parts also?
Literally laughed out loud, and I literally know what literally means. That said, no, I did not.
…I am one of them, and so are you, so let’s just praise the Lord, right foot….
Yes, I caught that also.
I wonder if, they know that song over here in the Philippines? And would I be looked down upon if I taught it to them?
“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal. 3:26-29).
Amen brother 🙏