Lisa & I on Queen’s Gambit; Censors & More

Today’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast

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2 Responses to Lisa & I on Queen’s Gambit; Censors & More

  1. David White says:

    My wife and I loved The Queen’s Gambit— reflected so well the complexity of the human experience.

    Also, thank you for sharing so vulnerably both the hardships and joys of your marriage. It serves as a gentle invitation for others to do the same. This has been too often a missing element of the church, and yet the truth of the gospel should be the very reason it is safe to do so.


    PS. What is going on with Big Ben? What happened to the down field pass?

    • RC says:

      Thank you brother. That is encouraging indeed. Vulnerability is a key element of all we’re trying to do here at Dunamis. It is missing as you say. As for Ben, it’s something of a mystery. My hope had been that it was a knee, that he couldn’t step into his throws. But the knee should be good by now, making me think it’s the arm. Which leaves two big questions- can we get anywhere in the playoffs and will he be able to play up to a fitting standard next year? We may be witnessing the end of the ride.

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