News You Can Use- Upcoming Events from Dunamis

We have three important updates we thought it important to share with you. First, next Sunday, September 8 we celebrate a grand re-opening of Sovereign Grace Fellowship as we move into our own building. We meet at 10:30 AM Sundays for worship at 11281 Garman Road, Spencerville, IN 46845. We’d love to have you join us on this special Sunday, and if God wills, moving forward from there. Below is the invitation I sent out to several friends in the area:

Dear Friend,
All of us have things we like and don’t like about our church. There’s a simple reason for that- the church is made up of people who, not matter how friendly, how gifted, how fun, are sinners. While we are to love, encourage, support, uplift, pray for, edify one another, we will inevitably sin against one another.

What defines a healthy church is less how well it does, more how well it deals with not doing well. Is it a church where everyone pretends everything is ok, or a church where it’s ok to not be ok? Is it a church that celebrates itself, or that celebrates the grace of God in Christ? Is it a church that approves the sins of the world, condemns the sinners of the world, or one that repents of its own sins?

At Sovereign Grace Fellowship we are a body that seeks to remain ever mindful of three vital truths:

We are all great sinners. This is neither an excuse, nor the end of the story. Rather it is the foundation of the rest of the story. When John the Baptist came preparing the way he began with “Repent…”. We are, by nature, children of wrath. Though we are redeemed, forgiven, indwelt, and growing in grace, we still struggle with sin.

Jesus is our great Redeemer. His grace will never come short of our need. He has saved us to the uttermost. Because of His perfect life, atoning death, vindicating resurrection we are indwelt, forgiven, adopted and made heirs. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Our heavenly Father loves us as His children infinitely, immutably and by name. We who by His grace rest in the work of Christ are utterly secure in His love. He delights in us, walks with us, rejoices over us. Whatever else is going on in our lives, this immovable rock equips us with joy, peace, contentment.

We are a small congregation at present. There is no “hiding” at Sovereign Grace. We have been gathering for worship for over 4 years, switching locations, changing meeting times, dealing with COVID. We finally, however, have a more permanent time and location and are celebrating with a grand re-opening. We would love for you to join us Sunday, September 8, 10:30 AM at 11281 Garman Road, Spencerville, IN 46845. Our meetings take place on our beautiful farm/homestead.

What can you expect? You can expect to find a body committed to worshipping the living God, lifting up our Lord and Savior, seeking the Spirit’s will, and loving one another. We sing. We pray. We give heed to the Word preached. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper. You can expect a warm welcome from saints still battling with sin. This Re-Opening Sunday we will also enjoy a fellowship meal after worship. What should you not expect? Programs, distractions and facades. We worship all together, by His grace, in Spirit and in truth.

Will you please prayerfully consider joining us? Would you also, whether you plan to join us or not, spread the word to others? If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at or call or text to (407) 242-3627. Please also be in prayer for us as we pray God will bless you.

In the King’s Service,

RC Sproul Jr.

Second, it’s time once again for our regular Monday night Bible study at our home. We finished our long and fruitful journey through the book of Romans. We begin September 9 a new study on the book of Philippians. I can’t wait to dig in. As per usual, all are welcome to tune on Facebook Live, under RC-Lisa Sproul. All are welcome at our home as well. We serve dinner to our guests starting at 6:15, the study itself starting at 7:00. We will post these a day or two later right here at We hope you’ll join us.

Third, we are offering a course on personal finances on Tuesday evenings, live and in person. As with Sunday morning worship we’ll be meeting out at our beautiful farm at 11281 Garman Road, Spencerville, IN. Come learn biblical principles for being stewards of God’s good gifts. If you’ve enjoyed either my book on biblical economics or my curriculum, Economics for Everyone, you’ll likely enjoy these practical, hands on lessons designed to improve your bottom line and help you live within your means, and in peace. If you’d like to attend, please let us know. The course is free.

As you can see, we continue to offer opportunities for learning the things of God. Such is what Dunamis Fellowship is all about. If you’d like to support all the above, our blog, our podcast and so much more please click on the Donate Button on our homepage.
God bless you and we hope to see you in the coming days.

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