Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places…

We must not allow our grasp of total depravity to lead us to miss in us God’s image. We are plenty bad. Sin touches every part of us. We’re unable to do anything in ourselves pleasing to God, including coming to faith. We do not, however, run in precisely the opposite direction of where we ought.

Romans 1, wherein Paul’s chief goal is to explain the universal guilt of man, for instance, tells us not that man in his sin, made to worship God, merely refuses to worship God, but rather says we worship the creature rather than the Creator. Because we’re fallen we won’t worship God. Because we bear His image, however, we will worship. Even at Babel they didn’t merely turn their back on the dominion mandate but rather twisted it. They built the tower because of God’s image. They built it for their own glory because of their depravity.

Distortion, Not Destruction

The same principle, that many of our desires (to work, to worship) are good and proper but because of sin, misdirected, applies to our desire to be loved. We are relational beings, just like our Father in heaven. It is not good, He told us, for man to be alone. Wanting to be loved isn’t a shame, weakness, a failure. Looking for love in all the wrong places, however, is a shame, weakness, a failure.

Seeking, Not Finding

When we are men pleasers, ear ticklers, hungerers for the approval of the world we are seeking love where we ought not, and missing the love that we have. When we commit adultery, indulge in pornography, escape into fantasy we seek love where we ought not, and miss the love that we have. When we gossip, slander, bear tales, we are seeking love where we ought not, and missing the love that we have. When we use social media to present our lives as one glamorous success after another, we look for love where we ought not and miss the love that we have.

Our Hearts Are Restless…

The one thing that will satisfy our hunger is the Father who sent His Son. To dwell with us, be our Husband, feed us. If I am in Christ, I am His beloved, and in turn beloved of the Father. The Spirit is ever with me, encouraging me. If I am in Christ I have all I could ever ask or hope for. In my sin I’m like the beloved son of the world’s wealthiest man, going to the seedy part of town to pick through dumpsters to fill my belly. My Father’s table is heavy laden with the choicest delicacies laid out for me, and I’m looking for a pizza crust in a trash can.

Full and Famished

My shame is not that I am hungry, for I was made to eat. My shame is missing what my Father has given me. My weakness is not that I want, but that I don’t recognize that I have. My failure isn’t that I long to be loved, but that I’m wrong to not know I am infinitely loved. He is my beginning- I bear His image. And He is my end- I will be with Him always.

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Study Continues Tonight- The Greatest Commandment

Tonight we continue exploring the greatest commandment. Tonight we continue to loving our neighbor as ourselves. Is this a command to love ourselves? All are welcome in our home at 6:15 eastern for dinner, and for the study itself at 7:00. The study will be live-streamed on Facebook Live, RC-Lisa Sproul. We hope you’ll join us.

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How Does the Church Fight for the Kingdom?

There are myriad ways that we dishonor the Word of God. First, we don’t read it. Too many of us somehow think that we have mastered the content of the Bible, and now that we are spiritually mature, all we have left to do is wrestle over difficult theological issues. Then we dishonor the Bible this way- we read it, but we don’t believe it. We discard this injunction or that as culturally bound, so that we can happily continue to be culturally bound.

Then there is this choice way we dishonor the Word- we read it, we believe it, but we miss how shocking it is. We turn what we believe into something safe and reasonable. We, for instance, take Jesus’ wisdom that if we would gain our life we first must lose it, and turn it into a safe, reasonable moral aphorism. We think Jesus is simply saying in His flowery way, “Don’t be selfish.” We take God’s wisdom, and turn it into something even the serpent could live with.

The battle between the seed and the serpent runs deep. Most of our wars do not. World War II pit the allies who embraced the welfare state, against the axis powers who embraced pure socialism. It was a battle between those who think the government owns half of all we produce, and those who think the government owns it all. With the truly Great War we have good versus evil. We have carnal weapons versus spiritual weapons. We have soldiers on the one hand who will spend eternity in paradise fighting soldiers most of whom will spend eternity in torment (thank God and His grace that some of our enemies will be brought in by His Spirit before they die.)

The difference, however, runs down to the respective economies as well. God’s economy and the devil’s are polar opposites. With the devil, everything is a zero-sum game. He can only divide up an already existing pie. Our King, however, speaks not just pies but universes into existence. His is an economy of abundance. But it also an upside down one. With the devil you gain by taking. With our Lord you gain by giving; you live by dying.

The differences in weapons and in economy come together when we consider what may be our most powerful weapon of war- peace. The devil feeds on strife. The seed of the woman, on the other hand, our meat and our drink is peace. When we are able to love one another, when we rest in the sweet and mystic communion of the saints, then we win great victories for the kingdom. I do not mean merely that after we rest we are better able to fight. Instead, in God’s glorious economy, in our rest we are fighting.

This is true first in ourselves. That is, when each of us keeps Sabbath, that is, when we rest in the finished work of the Lord of the Sabbath, when we live in the peace we have with our Father through His Son, mortar shells bombard the bunker of the evil one. When we cease from our labor to win His approval, we win grand victories, and not coincidentally, His approval.

But this is true of us corporately as well. That is, our peace with each other, inside the kingdom of God, carpet bombs the enemy. The Bible says that by this will all men know that we are His disciples, if we have love one for another” (John 13:35). Our love for each other does indeed have apologetical pop. But that’s not all. Our love for one another is our blowing trumpet, our unfurled banner, the sign that the soldiers of the most high have arrived to do battle. The weapons of our warfare are love, our love for one another.

While there is unimaginable potency of this reality in our homes (which is one reason why our children are likened to arrows in a quiver) it reaches its greatest power in His home, among the family of God, the church. This is nowhere more evident than when we, in our love for one another, gather together to feast on our Lord, at His table. For us it is glory-

“Behold how good and pleasant it is when brother dwell together in unity! It is like precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down the collars of his robes! It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore” (Psalm 133).

For them, it is the stench of death. For us, it is the very table that He prepares for us in the presence of our enemies (Psalm 23). While we feast, we rest. But while we rest, we are at war. Tearing down strongholds, laying siege to the foundations of the wicked one, storming the very gates of hell. Remember that when we come together at the table we do not, one by one, commune with our Lord. Instead, we all together commune with our Lord, and with each other. And the world, our flesh, and the devil all quake in fear.

This is the thirty-sixth installment of an ongoing series of pieces here on the nature and calling of the church. Stay tuned for more. Remember also that we at Sovereign Grace Fellowship meet this Sunday March 23 at 10:30 AM at our new location, at our beautiful farm at 112811 Garman Road, Spencerville, IN. Please come join us.

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A Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation

The serpent, more cunning than any of the beasts of the field, is a counterfeiter. His wily custom is to not merely construct an alternate realm to Christ’s realm. No, he crafts every piece of that realm as a copy of the real. He is a mimic. He is a false messiah of a false kingdom. And like the true Messiah, he is seeking those who would worship him. As such, he is a false prophet, a false priest, and a false king. For every blessing our Father above bestows upon His children, the Devil below has a faux blessing. And it is his unholy habit to cause us to confuse the two.

Our cultural declines via the steady erosion of a sane understanding of the family. Family, we should remember, is on one level what we call a common blessing. God has not restricted the freedom to marry and to raise up children to His redeemed. He has blessed all mankind with that liberty, with that calling. The serpent, however, has countless versions of the false family, a dizzying array of communities held together by base and foolish affections. He entices us to look for love in all the wrong places, to draw circles in the sand that will wash away with the tide.

Family, as family, provides a sense of belonging, of shared convictions, of common goals. The local Christian family, just like the corporate Christian family, the church, has one goal, to seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness. The Devil’s versions are rather anemic by comparison. Some draw their lines through their experience, seeking family in those who shared a common illness, or even a common hobby. They see themselves as united with those who have survived cancer like them, or who raise prize roses, like them.

Still others draw lines based on secondary genetic markers. They believe that their family consists of those who share a common genetic makeup. Their loyalties go to a particular skin color. These folks consider my own family to be “race traitors” because God has blessed us with a young men whose ancestors hail from Africa. These young men may have brown hair, brown eyes, and brown knees, but they are Sprouls, and like the rest of us, called to seek first the kingdom of God.

Those outside the kingdom look for identity, for belonging in such pointless ways. Worse, however, is that the same kinds of ties bind too many within the church. We call ourselves Christians, but are more loyal to our favorite football team (and its fans) than to Christ and those He has bought. We’d rather spend our time with a peer group defined by age, gender, and socio-economic status. We call ourselves Christians, but we define ourselves, and those around us, by just about anything but the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Our Father in heaven told us all, that is, all that are His, to pray to Him as our Father in heaven. This is what defines us, as us. We are those who have God as our Father. Our lines of loyalty then are clearly drawn. My kin is not bald fifty-somethings with children still at home. My kin are not those who can trace their lineage back to the British Isles. My kin are those who have been bought by the blood of the Lamb.

They are my brothers and my sisters, even if they root for the wrong football team. I’m called to love them like family, for they are family. They, like me, have been born a second time, into the family of God. We share a common Father, a common mother, the church, and a common brother, Jesus our Lord. This is now how our family is described,

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” (1 Peter 2: 9–10).

May we by His grace live as sojourners and pilgrims, our identity held not here on earth, but with our Father in heaven. May we live as His family.

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Lefty Stooge, Imbecile, Oligarch and Rubber Checks

I was all of 14 years old. I was dragged to a speech given by a former World War II Luftwaffe fighter pilot turned economist. His name was Hans Sennholz. The first PhD under the tutelage of the great Austrian School economist, Ludwig von Mises. His lecture left me spellbound. Over the course of the next three years I read everything free market I could get my hands on. I handed out copies of Bastiat’s The Law, to all my friends. I dove deep into Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. I even checked von Mises’ massive tome and magnum opus, Human Action out of the library in Ligonier, PA.

Over the course of the next ten years I published my first book on biblical economics, sat at the feet of Sennholz at Grove City College, both attended and spoke at events put on by the Foundation of Economic Education and published a piece in their journal, The Freeman. Over the course of the next forty years I have changed not a single conviction with respect to the blessings of liberty. I remain in principle a libertarian minarchist. I have produced more teaching material on the same theme including Economics for Everybody, a popular curriculum for homeschoolers and Christian schools put out by my friends at Compass Cinema.

I continue to speak and write about economics to this day. I list my free market bona fides today not to boast, but to reveal my profound puzzlement over the reaction I received recently. I tweeted a notion that ended up, by my standards anyway, going viral. I said,

“If you think handing everyone a $5000 DOGE check is a good idea, you’re part of the problem, not the solution.”

Now I acknowledge one could make a case that I’m mistaken. I don’t think I am, but I’m often wrong. I didn’t object, of course, because I thought that the federal government should keep spending wastefully as DOGE has exposed. I didn’t argue the money saved should go to my favorite causes. No, my objection was simple enough- we don’t have any money. Everyone wants their wasted dollars returned. I do too. Who wouldn’t? But you can’t get blood from a turnip that is down $37 extra large (trillion) to his bookie.

Still, this post isn’t about basic economics but basic communication. Over 1.5 million people saw that post. Over 5,700 liked it; over 500 shared it. Two thousand people left comments. Most of them seemed to prefer I keep my ideas to myself, if not take them to my grave, and quick. They accused me of being a lefty stooge, woke, gay, an oligarch, an imbecile, Nancy Pelosi’s and Bernie Sander’s love child. (Well, not that last one.)

Now I’m not expecting the many people whose feed was invaded with my sweet smelling input to know my background. Nor do I expect them to look it up before opening their can of verbal whup tush. I do expect them, however, to not simply assume that a mere disagreement with a specific policy floated by the President makes me a bad guy. Shouldn’t people who like the President understand that arguing about who the government writes checks to ultimately changes nothing? We ought to worry less about the recipients of federal spending, more about the amount of federal spending.

My solution is as timeless and effective as liberty- why don’t we let people keep their money? Why don’t we understand that you can’t “punish” the government by taking “their” money because they have no money except what they take from us? You can’t get even with a broke junkie who stole your stereo, fenced it and shot it into his arm. It’s gone, and telling the junkie to steal someone else’s stereo and fence it to pay you back does nothing to even the scales of justice. It just multiplies injustice.

Let’s try a little discernment. Let’s pinpoint what the problem is. It’s big government, red, purple and blue. And let’s slow the rush to judgment at least a tad.

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This week’s study- Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

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Backbiting; In Vitro Fertilization; Gifts, the Giver and Us

Simple application of the Lordship of Christ over all things. That’s what we’re asking you to listen to.

This week’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast

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“Gender neutral” Bible translations? Boy Oh Boy

It is a holdover of our modernist past that we tend to see the work of translation as a science more than an art. We think we punch a word in from language a, and out pops the exact same word, except in language b. Note only do different languages not relate in that way, even one language, looked at from two different time periods, will have the same issues. The postmoderns are right also to note that language has a tendency to be used for power, rather than for clarity. On the other hand, words do in fact carry meaning. In the end, language is Trinitarian, a blending together of harmony and complexity.

Consider he. He, fifty years ago, was clearly understood to have two distinct but related meanings. One meaning was this- a male antecedent. That is, when we use the word he, we are referring to a male something that has already been referenced. The second meaning was this- an antecedent of unknown gender. “He just drove through that red light” could either mean, “That man just drove through that red light” or “That person, I don’t know if it was a man or a woman, just drove through that red light.”

Over the past few decades women of both sexes have gotten their knickers in a twist over this common convention, a convention that long precedes the English language, and will, despite the efforts of some, outlast it. They seem to believe that the second use of the term is somehow a boon to male-kind, that it provides us with an unfair advantage.

The first fruit of this silliness was the banishment of the use of he in the second sense in certain, mostly academic circles. Eventually it lead us to the TNIV and other politically correct paraphrases of the Bible.

To be fair, one could argue that older translations which use “he” in the second sense can be misleading to readers in our day who use “he” only in the first sense. This position would suggest that because the meaning of “he” has changed, accuracy of translation, rather than ideological considerations, require the change. This does not, however, get to the heart of the issue, and begs the question of where the English language really is in our day.

First, the use of the singular masculine pronoun for antecedents of unknown gender is not at all unique to the English language. It is found, in fact, in both Greek and Hebrew. (Remember that when we are translating we have to understand both our own language and the language from which we are translating.) To put it more bluntly, God the Holy Spirit uses pronouns this way. We would be wiser to seek to be consistent with God than to be consistent with Gloria Steinem.

Second, every “gender neutral” English translation to date has gone well beyond seeking to avoid the use of he, when we do not know the antecedent’s gender. We have seen real distortions of the plain meaning of the text, driven by egalitarian sensibilities, rather than a passion for translating accuracy. We should not be surprised.

The Committee on Bible Translation, the scholars who brought you the TNIV, have as one of their standards this notion, “The patriarchalism (like other social patterns) of the ancient cultures in which the Biblical books were composed is pervasively reflected in forms of expression that appear, in the modern context, to deny the common human dignity of all hearers and readers. For these forms, alternative modes of expression can and may be used, though care must be taken not to distort the intent of the original text.”

At the root of this debate is different understandings not only of language and translation, but of Scripture, and inspiration. I strongly discourage folks from using “gender neutral” translations. It is trusting scholars who from the outset reveal themselves to be less than trustworthy.

Issues like this require wisdom. On the one hand, my friends on the other side of the aisle generally don’t see the trajectory of where they are headed. On the other hand, my friends on my side of the aisle tend to think those on the other side have already entered into the fullness of the folly they are flirting with. The former need to wake up and repent. The latter need to boldly confront the error, but accurately, and with neither pride nor hysterics.

This is, in the end, scary stuff, grounded in more scary stuff, neo-evangelical feminism. At bottom, I fear it is all driven by a fear of the world. Wisdom, however, calls us to fear God. I thank God for men like Wayne Grudem, John Piper and my own father who have here, as in so many other important battles, fought the good fight.

Posted in apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, Big Eva, Devil's Arsenal, hermeneutics, Holy Spirit, inerrancy, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul, RC Sproul JR, sexual confusion | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Study Continues Tonight- The Greatest Commandment

Tonight we continue exploring the greatest commandment. Tonight we turn to loving our neighbor as ourselves. All are welcome in our home at 6:15 eastern for dinner, and for the study itself at 7:00. The study will be live-streamed on Facebook Live, RC-Lisa Sproul. We hope you’ll join us.

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Who makes up the church, His Body? Or, Losers R Us

One of the common complaints against the doctrine of unconditional election is that it seems to make God ought to be capricious. The late great John Gerstner, in trying to emphasize the sovereign grace of God in election once, with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek, described that moment before time when we were chosen as “your lucky day.”

The Reformers were more interested in denying something than affirming something. They wanted to ensure we understood that election is not done on the basis of any good in those chosen. There were no meritorious conditions in the elect that motivated God to make them the elect. He did not peer down the corridor of time to find out which of us were good enough to choose Him, and then on that basis choose us. Total depravity, of course, is sufficient to undo that notion. If He peered down the corridor of time to see who would of themselves choose Him, then none would be elect.

That God looked for nothing good in us before He chose us, however, does not mean that He looked for nothing at all. The goal of the doctrine is not neutrality, but humility. If we look to God’s Word, we find that God just may have used a particular criteria in choosing us. Paul writes about God’s choosing His people,

For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty, and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not to bring to nothing the things that are” (I Corinthians 1:26-28).

That’s us. Were we honest, we’d give up our dignified church names, like Covenant Church, First Church, even Sovereign Grace. We’d adopt more honesty in our labeling. We ought to tell our neighbors, “We worship each Lord’s Day at First Church of the Ignoble.” We ought to put bumper stickers on our cars advising “Follow me to Base and Despised Presbyterian.” God did indeed have a reason for choosing you and choosing me- He wanted to choose losers.

Does the church embrace our inner loser? No. He chooses us because we are fools, and we, because He was right, think ourselves wise. We come up with elaborate marketing strategies for the kingdom of God. We divide up the congregation by market tastes. The hip, urbane fancy coffee gathering place over here, and the country/western place over there. We’ll serve this group lattes and the other group Mountain Dew. And we’ll send the satellite feed of Pastor Sneakers to both. He chooses us in our lack of nobility, and we pat Him on the back for choosing such fine fellows such as we are.

This, of course, is one more reason why it is wise to gather at the table each Lord’s Day. How can we go one thinking so highly of ourselves if, each week we see the body we broke, and the blood we shed? How can we perceive ourselves to be a net gain for the body, when we cannot stay alive without His body? The table, for all the joy and delight it brings, powerfully reminds us of who we are. The weak, the foolish, the ignoble.

Why would God choose losers like us? The text tells us how God reasoned this out- “that no flesh should glory in His presence” (verse 29). God’s motive for picking us is the same as His motive for all that He does, that His glory might be made known. When we preen about, thinking too highly of ourselves, therefore, we are not merely showing our foolishness by misunderstanding ourselves, but we fall under the very curse of Malachi, “Will a man rob God?” (3:8). A failure of humility is a failure to render unto God the things that are His, glory.

We’re not, by the way, fooling anyone anyway. The world knows what losers we are. God knows what losers we are. Losers that we are, we’re the only ones that don’t seem to notice. We’re too busy trying to impress each other. May God have mercy on our souls.

That we are losers isn’t cause for mourning, but for rejoicing. We should move not only from grace to grace, but from shocked to stunned- ME? He chose ME? But I’m awful. I’m a bundle of dust and rebellion. What did He see in me?

What did He see in us? Losers so awful that He was our only way out. He saw in us an opportunity to make known His glory, to shine forth the riches of His grace by bestowing them upon we the poverty-stricken. We now have no more reason to pretend. We need no more put on a show for others. All we need to do is to repent and believe. And having believed, all we have left to do is rejoice and give thanks. We are losers, every one of us. But by His grace and for His glory, we’re His losers.

This is the thirty-fifth installment of an ongoing series of pieces here on the nature and calling of the church. Stay tuned for more. Remember also that we at Sovereign Grace Fellowship meet this Sunday March 16 at 10:30 AM at our new location, at our beautiful farm at 112811 Garman Road, Spencerville, IN. Please come join us.

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