Should we follow the science?

Which science? Science, at its worst, is filled with hubris, insisting that it and it alone is the arbiter of truth. At its best science understands that it is seeking to think God’s thoughts after Him, and will ever be doomed to come short. In an earlier piece I made the argument that in this COVID era we have scientists galore who indignantly demand that we follow the science while they’ve left it far behind and have taken up philosophy. I noted then, “If we don’t all get the vaccine, 50% of us will die” is science. Not true mind you, but testable. “We must all get the vaccine because if we don’t, 50% of us will die” is no longer science even if it were so that 50% of us would die if we don’t all get vaccinated. “Must” is a moral demand, not a scientific conclusion. There are no ethical demands in a microscope.

Today, however, I’d like to remember that even when science stays within its own dominion it is clearly on shaky ground. Why? Because while right and wrong are grounded in the eternal and immutable God, our understanding of His creation is tossed about by the wind we’ll never grasp. Imagine Dr. Fauci as a pilgrim, complete with a buckle on his black hat. Imagine a grave illness running through Plymouth colony. Here comes the doctor who pulls out of his medicine kit a great jar full of leeches. Would he not, were we reluctant to attach said leeches to our bodies, insist that we are fools for failing to follow the science? “Leeching cures disease” is science. It is old, discredited science to be sure, but it was once brand spanking new and was still wrong.

Science is quick to, when faced with its own failures, speak through the egg on its face, conceding that science is always progressing. It’s their ready excuse when they get it wrong. The problem is that they forget the principle as soon as they’ve embraced the new science. We, however, unsophisticated rubes that we are, don’t conveniently forget not only that they’ve been wrong before, but that being wrong is seen by science as a feature, not a bug. Science is Hans and Franz pumping us up with gas, telling us, “Listen to us now and stop believing us later.” Because later the new science will slap a label of “quackery” on the old science.

When science says to us, “Yes, yes, yes, of course we’ve been wrong in the past. How stupid we were to believe so fervently in what we used to believe. It was all hornswoggle and hogwash. But now, now we have the truth. Now we really know. This,” they tell us, “is ESTABLISHED science. We know this is true because all the scientists agree.” When we ask about the scientists who don’t agree they tell us, “They’re not real scientists. We can tell, because they don’t agree with the ESTABLISHED science.”

Do not fall for the bluster. Believe what you wish about COVID, Omicron, vaccines. You’ll get no argument from me wherever you fall. Just don’t fall for the bluster that insists that only the wise can see the emperor’s new clothes. Science can best be served with a nation of children snickering at its nakedness.

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6 Responses to Should we follow the science?

  1. Michael Earl Riemer says:

    See all comments. Where are the comments I came here to read? Every time I come here, there are never any comments. Either no one reads your posts, or no one makes any comments. If you read this section, I would like to know. Please comment.

  2. RC says:

    There aren’t as many comments as I’d like but there are some.

  3. LovethyNeighbour says:

    Several Pastor denied covid says it was scam and then they caught it and died. You can see the lungs of the infected and see how it damages it this is no joke. And people who caught it and see having issues months later even after recovery.

    They also false claims that the vaccine is imbedded with the mark of the beast so if science cannot be trusted why trust these un verified stories to scare you out of getting vaccinated?

    We get vaccinated cause its the right thing to do to look out for our brothers and sister in christ. Cause when we get infected it will hurts others who are less strong and get be comatose.

    So please show your love and get your jab and talk to a Doctor if you have side effects from vaccine.

    • RC says:

      That scientists can get things wrong, which is the point of my piece, doesn’t mean non-scientists never get things wrong. I’m not taking a stand on COVID, vaccines or any such thing. I’m taking a stand against the premise that “science” should be given our implicit trust. “We get vaccinated cause it’s the right thing to do to look our for our brothers and sisters in Christ” is begging the question. No one, on either side is saying, “Do this because it is harmful.” The problem is when one side says, “We’re science, and we’re always right” when they manifestly are not always right, even if they are this time. Hope that helps.

  4. Jules says:

    I agree with you 100%. It is ridiculous to believe that scientist are all knowing, granted we have more knowledge now than we ever have. Practitioners of the time believed the removal of blood from a patient could prevent illness and cure disease. So who’s in the line for bloodletting today?

  5. Jim Keeter says:

    You’re right it’s not science. It’s opinions based on opinions.
    I have had all vaccines and the booster because I’m old and believe it offers protection and may kill me with side affects. Oh well, but science it is not. It’s political and is doing more damage than the illness, just a little slower.

    Scientists have all but destroyed the meaning of science with rhetoric.

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