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Tag Archives: apologetics
Rabbits & Hats or, Money For Nothing & Your Checks for Free
The heart of magic is misdirection. Sure, there are specially made tools of the trade. There is well-trained prestidigitation. There are moments of art and flourish. The magic, however, is to get the audience to look one direction while you … Continue reading
Sacred Marriage, God is Near; 70s Cars; Atheists & More
This week’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, Month of Sundays, Nostalgia, RC Sproul JR, Sacred Marriage, sovereignty, That 70s Kid, theology
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, culture wars, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, marriage, RC Sproul Jr
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Sacred Marriage, Sovereignty 2; Power Hunger; Science & Noah
This week’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, Biblical theology, creation, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, Month of Sundays, politics, RC Sproul JR, Sacred Marriage
Tagged apologetics, Christian Testimony, culture wars, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, marriage, politics, RC Sproul Jr, statism
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Why is the church full of hypocrites?
Because the world is full of hypocrites. Now, before you shake your head in disgust at those terrible hypocrites, let me channel my inner Paul Washer and remind you, I’m talking about you. And me. We are all eager to … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, Ask RC, Big Eva, church, communion, ethics, logic, politics, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged apologetics, Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, devil, lies, politics, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Where do theological liberals get grace wrong?
Let me count the ways. I recently came across a tweet (forgive an old man for being slow to change) wherein a gentlemen left of center theologically opined that what people need from the church is not guilt, but grace. … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, church, communion, Doctrines of Grace, ethics, grace, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, repentance, theology
Tagged adoption, apologetics, Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, Forgiveness, God's love, gratitude, Justification, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Taking Our Losses
I’m not as much of a twitter warrior, or I suppose X-man might now be the term, than I once was. The medium I love, with its character limitations driving us more toward the poetic than the precise and careful. … Continue reading
Posted in abortion, apologetics, cyberspace, ethics, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, logic, philosophy, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR, repentance, sexual confusion
Tagged abortion, apologetics, culture wars, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Five Common Expressions I’ve Never Understood
Common sense may be more common than sense. There are any number of shorthand aphorisms in the world and in the church that shape our thinking, but don’t stand up to scrutiny, at least right away. Below are five common … Continue reading
Do you believe in aliens?
Like, non-human, not-from-here intelligent beings? Of course I do, as does every Bible believer. Some suggest that given the size of the universe it is likely that aliens exist. Others suggest that since the Bible says nothing about aliens they … Continue reading
Posted in apologetics, Ask RC, creation, Devil's Arsenal, kingdom, RC Sproul JR, sovereignty, wonder
Tagged apologetics, Ascension, Ask RC, devil, kingdom, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Not With Flesh and Blood
It’s always a good thing to remember that when the Bible reminds us of something it’s likely because we are prone to forget. Given God’s absolute authority, anything He says once is sufficiently compelling that we have a duty to … Continue reading
Posted in abortion, Biblical Doctrines, Biblical theology, Big Eva, church, Devil's Arsenal, Holy Spirit, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, theology
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, demons, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, RC Sproul Jr
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Lawless Law, or No Dog in This Fight
The purported value of ethical relativism, the idea that there are no transcendent, binding rules for right and wrong that all humans are morally required to submit to, is that it allows us to live in peace. That is, if … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, abortion, apologetics, Biblical Doctrines, church, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, persecution, philosophy, politics, post-modernism, RC Sproul JR
Tagged abortion, apologetics, Christian Testimony, culture wars, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, politics, RC Sproul Jr, scandal
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