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Tag Archives: sanctification
Why is the church full of hypocrites?
Because the world is full of hypocrites. Now, before you shake your head in disgust at those terrible hypocrites, let me channel my inner Paul Washer and remind you, I’m talking about you. And me. We are all eager to … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, apologetics, Ask RC, Big Eva, church, communion, ethics, logic, politics, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged apologetics, Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, devil, lies, politics, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Sacred Marriage, Sovereignty; Dangerous Days, Old QBs & More
This week’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in abortion, Biblical Doctrines, Biblical theology, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, Month of Sundays, Nostalgia, politics, RC Sproul JR, Sacred Marriage, sovereignty, sport, That 70s Kid
Tagged abortion, Christian Testimony, culture wars, Jesus Changes Everything, lies, Lisa Sproul, marriage, politics, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, statism
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Conscientious Objecting- Choosing Your Twitter War Wisely
Either/or either works, or it doesn’t. Sometimes we really do have to pick our poison. Other times we find ourselves being roped into a false dilemma, and escape through a tertium quid, a third option. Joshua asked the Captain of … Continue reading
Posted in Biblical Doctrines, Big Eva, church, communion, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, Reformation
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, peace, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification, writing
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Castles in the Sand
There are, when we disagree, almost always two disagreements. Most of the time the smaller disagreement is the bigger one. Consider election. There are some in the church who believe that God chooses who will believe His gospel. There are … Continue reading
Posted in Big Eva, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, RC Sproul JR, sovereignty, theology
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, politics, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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What counsel would you give to the newly married?
It is not, I believe, an accident that marriage is described in the Bible as “leaving and cleaving.” This not only defines marriage well but highlights one of the ways we so often get it wrong. Before we are married … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, Biblical Doctrines, Devil's Arsenal, friends, friendship, grace, kingdom, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged Ask RC, Christian Testimony, devil, Forgiveness, friendship, kingdom, marriage, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Someone is Wrong on the Internet
It takes two to tango, and that doesn’t even include the band. Our choices, our behaviors, are rarely as discreet as we think they are. Not only do our decisions bleed into our other decisions, they touch on other people’s … Continue reading
Posted in Big Eva, church, cyberspace, Devil's Arsenal, ethics, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, prayer, RC Sproul JR
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, devil, kingdom, kingdom notes, lies, prayer, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
What is the three-fold use of the law?
God’s law serves at least three purposes, which Calvin wisely expressed. He affirmed that the law first serves as a mirror for us. It reveals the perfect character of God, and in so doing, it exposes our sin. This might … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, Ask RC, Biblical Doctrines, ethics, grace, RC Sproul JR, repentance
Tagged Ask RC, Christian Testimony, church, joy, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
Pleasures Forevermore
“Two things I ask of you; deny them not to me before I die: Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be … Continue reading
Sacred Marriage, 9th Commandment; Ordaining Women & More
This Week’s Jesus Changes Everything Podcast
Posted in 10 Commandments, Biblical Doctrines, Big Eva, church, Good News, grace, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, Nostalgia, RC Sproul JR, Sacred Marriage, That 70s Kid
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, culture wars, gratitude, Jesus Changes Everything, Lisa Sproul, marriage, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification
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Faux Pearls
Maslow was wrong. Well, he was right before he was wrong. It is true enough that we all have a hierarchy of needs. Some things are more important than others. Trouble is, he didn’t know what the most important things … Continue reading
Posted in 10 Commandments, Big Eva, church, grace, kingdom, Kingdom Notes, psalms, RC Sproul JR, wonder, worship
Tagged Christian Testimony, church, God's love, gratitude, kingdom, kingdom notes, peace, RC Sproul Jr, sanctification