The Boy Behind the Curtain or, Silence of the Clams

It’s a simple rule really, but a powerful one, one I have found quite helpful to my peace of mind, making the best use of my time and my mental energy. I follow this rule- anyone speaking ill of another yet unwilling to say who they are gets none of my time or mental energy. If someone hides his or her identity before pontificating over this scandalous accusation, or even my own sins, real or purported, if he clam ups his mouth before announcing who he is, I will clam up my ears before listening to a word he has to say. I don’t care what the anonymous have to say about me, or about others.

Perjury Penalties
Our justice system gives the accused the right to face his accusers for a reason. Because otherwise the system is not just. The accuser finds gives himself everything to gain and nothing to lose. Biblical justice requires the same thing, but adds another element. A person convicted of perjury at the federal level would face five years in prison. A person convicted of perjury in the Bible would face whatever punishment the accused would have faced had he been convicted. Lie in a murder trial in Old Testament Israel and you would be put to death.

Opening with Dishonor
When we give ear to the anonymous accuser we give voice to those already committed to dishonesty and injustice by the sheer evil of their anonymous accusations. We empower, platform those whose character and voice reflect that of the Slanderer himself. In short, listening to the anonymous accuser, or those who hide behind pseudonyms, is like listening to the devil himself. Which is something I don’t need.

Fellow Travelers
Many people have, over the years, contacted me who actually use their real names, who ask, gently and kindly, if I would give my side of things on this accusation or that, some accusations that have been made about me, others about people I’ve known and cared for. They’d read something ugly about me or my friends and wanted to give me the chance to rebut before reaching any conclusions. Good for them for asking. I give them too, however, the same response. “Tell me who this accuser is, and I will be happy to reply. Otherwise, my counsel is that you stop giving ear to anonymous character assassins.”

Advocates for the Devil
Those who use their own names but protect those who will not, who pass themselves off as “protecting their sources” are not heroic journalists fighting the good fight. They are advocates of the devil, distorting justice, smearing names and refusing to take responsibility. And leading astray fools. The wise, on the other hand, build their house on the Word of God. They feast upon that Word, rather than the choice morsels of gossip offered by the devil.

Peace and Liberty
I’ve found peace. I’ve been given liberty. I can not only get my mind off my accusers, but more important still, get my mind off myself. Because they don’t matter, and neither do I. Leave the clams in the sandy banks they live in. Soon enough the water will wash them away, while what rests on the Rock stands firm.

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One Response to The Boy Behind the Curtain or, Silence of the Clams

  1. Lisa Sproul says:

    Thank you for continuing to teach and encourage the body of Christ. Thankful to walk this life beside you.

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