One should not be surprised that calamity follows in the wake of post-modernism and its dogmatic truth claim that there is no truth. To deny the possibility of knowing truth is not only self-referentially absurd, but is poison to decision making. I suspect that even the prophets of Baal could have agreed with the Prophet Elijah when he enjoined the people to make a choice. If Baal is God, worship him. If God is God, worship Him.
If, however, there is no truth then there is no way to decide. Which is why post-modernism can’t even prop up post-modernism. Along with the denial of the existence of truth, post-modernism argues that all arguments are power grabs. It claims that the world is divided into two classes of people, oppressors and the oppressed. They have argued that the former are white males and the latter everyone else, with bonus points awarded for every protected class you might belong to.
Out of this flowed countless government programs and billions of government stolen dollars through the feeding trough known as DEI. Because DEI cannot be defended on its merits (after all, it denies there are merits while also denying that merit should be privileged over de-merit) all there is left is bullying. Demand it; denounce those opposed; destroy those who won’t give up. All of which works just fine, until it doesn’t.
Over time we find more and more guileless “children” who are unafraid to say that emperor is parading around in his drawers. Courageous men like Florida Governor Ron Desantis banishes such folly from his state’s universities. Zuckerberg dismisses the fact-checkers from the meta-verse. And soon the dominoes start tumbling down. Soon the left begins to howl. Major corporations hop off the bandwagon. The next thing you know, becoming anti-DEI catches on like a wildfire being managed by DEI appointees.
Each election cycle, when there is a shift in the polls, I wonder who these people are that are changing their mind. How could ten percent of the people be all blue one week and all red the next? I suspect that it is fear. When the fear is ascendent, the fear mongers reign. When fear fades, sanity slowly returns. We don’t have DEI because a solid case has been made for it. Nor are we ditching it because a solid case has been made against it.
Christians would be wise to not assume this turning tide is great news. When one rides the waves, the end is always falling. It is good news, but remember that we still have a world full of people being led by the tides rather than wisdom. A people led by prevailing winds will follow the winds when they shift again. And make no mistake, they will again. More of the world will burn.
Our calling is less to cheer when social pressure moves things our way, more to make certain we are building on the rock (Matt. 7:24). It is to maintain our commitment to the truth that truth is knowable, and that we are responsible to submit to it, even when it is less than popular. The truth is true whether everyone or no one believes it. And He reigns always and everywhere.
So what you’re saying is that these companies are just riding the wave. They’ll go wherever the wind is blowing. Backing away from DEI seems like a no brainer. Like you said, it doesn’t stand on its own. People really seem tired of the nonsense. Would you do a piece on presidential pardons? Republicans don’t seem to be doing a very good job defending them. All they seem to be saying is “how about Biden’s pardons?” Tit for tat bull crap!
Great suggestion. It may be a while but yes I will. And yup, that’s what I’m saying.