What are some good goals for the new year?

I’ve never read a book on leadership. I’ve not hired a life coach. I haven’t ever attended a personal development event. And I’m not much one for to-do lists. That said, I can see the wisdom in this aphorism- if you fail to plan you are planning to fail. Or this heavenly insight- “My people perish for lack of vision” (Hosea 4:6).

To make use of a few buzzwords from this world I’m not a part of, I find balance by thinking outside the box and taking a bird’s eye view rather than lose the forest for the trees by taking a granular view. To put it more clearly, I think broad goals can be good things to set while also affirming that the best way to make God laugh is to tell Him your plans.

This goal of mine I’d commend to everyone of you. My goal for 2024 is that I would, each day, become more and more like Jesus. I doubt any believer could argue with that. The worst that could be said is that it seems a mite vague and difficult to measure. The truth is we have a clear measuring stick- the Word of God. If anything defines Jesus it is His zeal for obeying His Father. Love of God and love of neighbor is unpacked for us in the law. I want to become more obedient to God’s law.

One step below this, in the Russian nesting dolls that are our means and ends, are God’s ordinary means of grace. I will better know His law as I read His Word. This year, God willing, will be the sixth year in a row that Lisa and I will read through the Bible. Prayer is yet another means of grace I aspire to avail myself of. Such pleases my Father, and mirrors my elder Brother. I will gather together with the saints for corporate worship, for encouragement and to encourage others.

Pursuing these individual goals in light of pursuing the one higher goal will not increase my influence. It will not make a difference in my bottom line. But it will be good for business because, to adapt a bit of wisdom from Jacob Marley, becoming more like Jesus is my business. As it is yours. This is the business of all our days. There is nothing more important, nothing more valuable. This is not a means but the end, our very reason for being.

It is likely to be a humdinger of a year, chock full of Black Swans, October Surprises, wars and rumors of wars, nano-particles and giant asteroids. There will almost certainly be riots in our streets and increasing public persecution of believers. All of which are tools in the Potter’s hands, as He remakes us into vessels made for His glory. Praying, with confidence, for a fruitful new year. For this is not only the year that the Lord has made, but is the year that the Lord is remaking us. Let us will rejoice and be glad in it.

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3 Responses to What are some good goals for the new year?

  1. Mrs. Sproul says:

    Happy New Year to us!

  2. John Kerr says:


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