It’s a fool’s errand to try to understand why someone breaks up with you. The notion that we can pinpoint one flaw, excise it and then live happily ever after is well, false. When someone breaks up with you, no matter what they say, there’s only one reason- they don’t want to be with you. Voting is often similar. We usually instinctively, unthinkingly choose our candidate, and then start coming up with a rationale. The rationale is just window dressing. We like whom we like. Before we pull the levers, however, we would be wise to pursue wisdom. Below are five thoughts we should bring with us into the booth.
1. Jesus reigns. He has decided from before all time who will rule under Him in this nation and every nation. That, of course, doesn’t mean your vote doesn’t matter. He works through means. It does mean, however, that you can leave fear behind. The fate of the future is not in your hands, but in the hands that received the nails we all deserve.
2. Jesus is right beside you. You have the opportunity in that booth to demonstrate your trust in Him. What you do in that booth is far more about you and Him than it is about you and the next president. Of course this is true of every moral crossroads we find ourselves at throughout our lives.
3. Jesus loves you. It is important to vote wisely. It is important that we learn the Word of God and what it calls the state to do, and not to do. It is important that we put to use this opportunity to seek justice from our rulers. So yes, bring with you true and biblical wisdom. But don’t go in without the knowledge that our failures to act with wisdom are covered by the blood of Christ. Your vote may be right or wrong. Labor faithfully to see that it is right. But remember it isn’t the hinge of your eternity.
4. Jesus calls you to love Him. How often do we carry into the booth the expectations of our friends and family? We see them looking over our shoulder, either giving their approval or disapproval. We, however, don’t work for them. We work for Jesus. He is our Master, and it is His blessing we should be seeking. Do not let the expectations of others cloud this truth.
5. Jesus is coming back. And when He does He will judge the quick and the dead. The Bible tells us the martyrs cry out from under the heavenly altar, pleading with Jesus to vindicate them. How many of those martyrs are the spirits of the more than sixty million babies who have been sacrificed to Moloch right here in our own country?
After you have left the booth, keep these five truths with you. They are true at all times and in all places. And they are faithful guides for all our decisions. Rest in Him. Trust in Him. Hear Him. Love Him. And, whoever wins the election, cry with equal vigor, “Maranatha Lord Jesus.”