When Libs Speak for God, or The Sour Reign of Pope Lemon

Sometimes it’s tough to learn our lessons. Don Lemon, some years ago, said this on national TV (if you count CNN as national TV)- “Jesus Christ– if that’s who you believe in— Jesus Christ admittedly was not perfect when he was here on earth.” Embarrassment ensued, but apparently didn’t stick for long. Also, around that same time, the Pope, who is Catholic, let it be known that the Roman Catholic church would not be blessing same-sex unions.

Rome, of course, believes that the Pope is the vicar of Christ on earth. Being said vicar, I suspect the Pope believes the same about himself. As such it should not surprise us when he seeks to let those under his authority know what he thinks Jesus thinks about this and that. Jesus told us this when certain snakes, seeking to avoid the plain teaching of the Bible asked Him about divorce,

“And He answered and said to them, ‘Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?” Matthew 19:4,5).

The Pope is no dummy. Yes, there is great social pressure on him. But it can get embarrassing when Jesus’ vicar clearly and obviously disagrees with Jesus. Don Lemon has none of the concerns of the Pope and all of the hutzpah. He, apparently believing he is the vicar of Christ on earth, explained to the Pope, his minions, and all evangelicals who happen to agree, this time, with the Pope, that

“I think that the Catholic Church and many other churches really need to re-examine themselves and their teachings. That’s not what God is about. God is not about hindering people or even judging people.”

Some claim he was also heard to say, “So let it be written. So let it be done.” The truth of the matter is that Mr. Lemon made one small mistake. He confused the true and living God, the God of the Bible, with his own idol, that god called “god-to-me.” Don Lemon is in fact the vicar of that god on earth. He is, in his own religion, infallible. He speaks perfectly for god-to-me because he is god-to-me. They are co-terminus. It’s like I’ve always said, scratch and idol and you find a mirror.

We who belong to Jesus must not find ourselves intimidated by such silliness. We must not fear such a paper god nor his vicar. Nor a culture plunging headlong into the same foolishness. Don Lemon, like the rest of us, is a mirror cracked. In embracing a perverse sexuality he shakes his tiny fist at God. Then he turns around and scolds us about our theology. This is what a mind turned over to its own depravity looks like.

Our calling is less to scoff, more to weep. The true and living God has the power to rescue, redeem, remake, even the most vile sinner. He’s done it for me. May God have mercy on Don Lemon’s soul, lest Don find himself face to face with the Judge of all the universe, who is, yes, all about judging.

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