Who Will Remember Come Next Year’s November?

One might think that the main stream media, after a long series of embarrassing gaffes and shameful reveals would be on its best behavior. A high ranking official at a well known cratering news network admits to using his network to ensure the election of President Biden. Our social media overlords create an intentional social media blackout on the President’s ties to his son Hunter’s misdeeds. Main stream media has shamed itself time and again. The silver lining in that dark cloud is this- precious few seem to notice or care. It is one thing to have your gaffes publicly exposed. It is another for the public to pay any attention.

What the main stream media is learning is that they can get away with anything. What might they be able to do with such a forgetful public? Publicly paint the President as paranoid and prejudiced when he suggests COVID might be traced to a lab in China and then, a year later, slowly leak out information that suggests he might have been right. You could publish pictures of the detention facilities put up on our border under the Obama administration and present them as proof that President Trump hates little children. And then, a year later, you could fail to report that President Biden won’t let any reporters near those facilities.

The envelope keeps getting pushed. The line in the sand continues to get crossed. The lies and the cover-ups get increasingly bold. Because it won’t cost a thing. Their target audience isn’t there for truth but for ammo in the culture wars. And their ideological opponents, conservatives, have nothing left to conserve. We will forget next election season. Mid-terms will come and all of this will be old news, fish wrapping. There will be fresh lies and new cover-ups.

Like Dr. Fauci, keeping a straight face under his mask as he continues to tell us to wear masks, liars lie. They know they’re lying. We know they’re lying. And we both know it’s not going to change. We both know that our knowing it won’t change won’t change anything. We conservatives will be told to hang our heads, to let the grown-ups back in charge, to play the game, to support the establishment, to go back to sleep and to forget.

Muhammad Ali, the loquacious lip of Louisville, once said, “It’s not bragging if it’s true.” In like manner, it’s neither paranoia nor cynicism if it’s true. This is not simply another conservative in curmudgeon mode for the day. This is instead the demons of the mass media dancing around the grave of our expectations of a modicum of honesty. This is why character matters, whether it be from journalists, reality TV stars in the White House or the rest of us looking in from the outside. Our calling is to remember, to not play the game, to cover our eyes in the face of the emperor’s invisible suit. How can you tell mainstream media mavens are lying? Their lips are moving, even under their masks.

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One Response to Who Will Remember Come Next Year’s November?

  1. David Wittkop says:

    Thanks for writing this article. I do love the doctrines of grace and no believer will end up lost because I write shame on professing Christians who vote Democrat and personally I would rather have fellowship with an unbeliever who votes Republican.

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