There are, of course, plenty of nutty Christian numerologists. Like the Bible code that once captured the imagination of Bible lovers, so too is there a steady crowd that practice a Christian brand of kabbalah, mixing mysticism and math. On the other hand, there are even more Christians who are so afraid of numerology that they deny the plain truth that God treats some numbers differently from others. And none is > 7. In seven days God created the universe. He commands of us that we rest one day in seven, that we leave our ground fallow one year in seven, that we set free our indentured servants every seven years. It is the number of completeness. Seven sevens brings us to an even greater celebration, Jubilee.

Tomorrow will mark the seventh anniversary of my marriage to my precious wife Lisa. To the world this is a harbinger of doom, as the seven year itch is expected to come and create havoc. To those in Christ, however, it is a year of rest, celebration, giving thanks and praising God. It is a year to acknowledge our dependence, not just as two individuals but as one couple, on Him and His grace. He is the one who brought us together. He is the one who prepared us all our lives for our time together. He is the one who bound us, the first strand around whom we are wrapped.

There is one thing, however, that I will not rest from in the coming year. I will continue in my habit of, just before going to sleep, thanking God for Lisa. And my habit, first thing when I wake, of thanking God for Lisa. The habit helps me to remember that I never run out of things to be thankful for. Lisa, first, forgives me. I’m not yet what I will be, and still struggle with sin. I need to repent often, and she forgives often. She too repents often, and it is my delight to forgive.

Lisa also speaks words of encouragement with the softest, most gentle voice. I get to hear her encouraging others with it, and get to receive it myself. Lisa speaks words of wisdom as well, learning from all that providence has taught her. Best of all Lisa speaks the words of Scripture, rightly applying the Word of truth to our changing circumstances.

I could go on about her sense of humor, her beauty, her abundant skills as a keeper of our home, her managerial acumen. Those are wonderful gifts. What is more wonderful still is that she seeks after God. She doesn’t speak to Him as if He was in the room. She speaks to Him knowing that He is in the room. She cries out. She sings His praises. She searches the Scriptures.

She has, not one year but for the last seven, given rest to the parched, cracked field that was my life before her. She has, not one year but for the last seven, helped to set me free from unbearable chains. She has, not one year, but for the last seven loved me faithfully, while loving Him faithfully.

Happy Anniversary my beloved. May He bless us with seven sevens together, and then the Jubilee.

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2 Responses to 7

  1. Michael Earl Riemer says:

    It sounds like you were talking about my wife, Maribeth. Yes, brother, a godly wife is a wonderful wonderful blessing. You gots (a reference from some book) a really good one. I pray your marriage will last for many years, and more, and than more.

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