Do you believe in aliens?

Like, non-human, not-from-here intelligent beings? Of course I do, as does every Bible believer. Some suggest that given the size of the universe it is likely that aliens exist. Others suggest that since the Bible says nothing about aliens they must not exist. The truth is that if the universe were only as large as our solar system, or even smaller, it would make no difference to the question. The truth is as well that the Bible does speak of non-human intelligent beings that not only exist but are active on Earth, having interacted and communicated with humans for millenia. Though they fit within a rough definition, the Bible does not call them aliens but demons (and angels).

The real question is not whether non-human intelligent beings exist but if the sundry phenomena that has captured our imagination of flying saucers, abductions and various other paranormal shenanigans is related to “Martians” or demons. I believe the latter. I find the argument against “Martians,” that they are not mentioned in the Bible fairly compelling. While Narnia manages to show us multiple worlds with a single Creator and a single Redeemer, I find the gospel of our Lord to be too all consuming of a story to be just one of many.

That story, however, is far broader than merely (as if it were a small thing) redeeming us from our sins. The gospel is the story of Jesus, as the second Adam, not only fulfilling the calling of the first Adam, to bring all things under subjection, but includes among those things brought under subjection all principalities and powers. Jesus, after all, changes everything.

We should not be surprised that in a modern age we would tend to see evil spirits are mere technologically advanced versions of ourselves. While moderns complain against our fathers, accusing them of confusing science with magic, post-moderns, showing their modernist roots, are prone to confusing spiritual powers with advanced technology. Could aliens move about in crafts we do not understand? Of course. Could they, from time to time, crash? Of course. Could we find their crashed craft, and even their dead carcasses? Why not? Might they look a bit like us, yet somehow different? Even reptilian? I don’t know why not.

Should we be afraid? Yes, and no. The reality of spiritual warfare should drive us to greater care and diligence. Putting on the whole armor of God is not just a metaphor. Neither are Satan’s fiery darts. That said, we are to be of good cheer, knowing that our Captain and our King has already overcome the world (John 16:33). He has given us the honor and the privilege to participate in the mop up operation against His already defeated foe. He has chosen us as His bride, the second Eve, a helper suitable to Him as He fulfills His good calling.

Little men from other planets? No, I don’t think so. Evil spirits from beyond the natural realm? Most certainly.

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