God in the Details

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to deal with major inconveniences than minor ones? When we total our car, we are grateful to be alive and set about the business of taking care of the problem. When we are stuck behind a pokey driver we act like the world has come to an end. And we have no idea what to do. (Here’s a hint- start by calming down.) Find out your favorite restaurant is closing down for good and you think you’ll have to find another favorite. Have your earbuds show up a day late after specifically ordering Prime for the two day shipping and smoke comes out of our ears.

I remind you of these little irritants that we allow under our skin not to annoy you. Instead I have a point. Just as we are willing to “allow” God to reign over certain parts of our lives, that is our own personal “spiritual realm,” so we “allow” Him to reign over certain parts of the universe. Wars, and rumors of wars are appropriate objects of His attention. Rain also, because there’s not much we can do about it, is something we are content to leave in His hands. Pokey drives or earbud procurement, however, that’s a human thing.

When Abraham Kuyper thunders, “There is no square inch in all reality over which Jesus Christ does not declare, ‘MINE’” we all stand up and cheer such grand and eloquent insights. We stand ready to storm Washington, Hollywood, perhaps even Amsterdam, having heard such rousing speech. That’s a good thing. It all belongs to Jesus. That’s what Kuyper means. But it also means that the three or four square inches that make up my new earbuds are missing because the King of the Universe has so declared.

Understanding that God reigns over the details not only should give us greater wonder, it ought also to give us greater peace. When you get COVID, when you go through the Internet treatment, when you lose a friend, it is actually comparatively easy to remember that God is in control, and to rest in that truth. When you just miss the green light, when your luggage gets lost by the airline, or when your mower quits in the middle of a mow, it’s a little harder.

It has been said that life is what happens while we’re waiting for something to happen. Jesus said that He will, in His grace, welcome into His eternal reward those who gave Him drink when He was thirsty, who clothed Him when He was naked. Isn’t it odd that instead of responding with “Why in the world would You do that? We owe you water and clothing. We owe You everything. It’s all Yours” they responded instead with, “When did that happen?” It happened when they weren’t looking.

The little frustrations in our lives are His providence at work, to glorify Him and to grow us in grace and godliness. Pray that we learn to give Him thanks for them.

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One Response to God in the Details

  1. Gregory Nyman says:

    Thank you RC…..I concur….it is sometimes the little irritants…the foxes which spoil the vine…yes…..and I appreciate your comments…they are so true…

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