New Theses, New Reformation

Thesis 93 We must always reform.

The Reformation was chock full of shorthand slogans. The five solas of the Reformation came to light under the banner of Post Tenebras Lux, after darkness light. The five points of Calvinism, blossomed long after Calvin’s death and in response to the five points of the Remonstrants. There is, however, one more, the runt of the litter, semper reformanda, always reforming. It’s a perfectly wonderful slogan and a valuable principle. It has, however, often been hijacked.

What we don’t mean in affirming the call of the church to always reform is that it needs to reform away from the Reformation, or worse still, away from the Word of God. Sadly, for centuries those who would lead the church into error and heresy have defended their novel ideas with this phrase. It’s time we took it back.

We need a new reformation. And if God should in His grace grant us one, we will, in the midst of it, need a new reformation. We should be, this side of eternity, always reforming because this side of eternity, each of us and all of us together fall short of the mark. It is a shameful reality that individually and corporately we are too easily satisfied. Many of us make a long journey to come to embrace those great slogans of the Reformation, and then make the mistake of thinking it is all we need. It is a good thing to know, embrace and defend these slogans. It is a better thing to know, embrace and rest in Jesus.

What does Reformation look like? I have for years, in this project, tried to offer up my own suggestions. Like Luther before me I have presented this list as items for debate and discussion, believing that getting these ironed out will bode well for the well-being of the church. The truth is, however, that we could have all our theological ducks in a row, all our orthopraxy worked out, and still be in desperate need of Reformation. We need to have our hearts re-formed, from the inside out, such that we know more fully the depth, scope and horror of our own sin. This is a reforming that lasts a lifetime.

We must also have our hearts re-formed, from the inside out, such that we know more fully the depth, scope and beauty of our Lord’s redemption of us. This is a reforming that lasts a lifetime. We must have our hearts re-formed, from the inside out, such that we know more fully the depth, scope and immutability of the Father’s love for us, His forever children. This Reformation will go on forever. As we forever move further up and further in we will grow in our capacity to receive His immeasurable love.

We, by His grace, pray for Reformation now knowing we are being re-formed for eternity. He has gone to prepare a place for us. He sent His Spirit to prepare us for that place.

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