Praising Her in the Gates

It is a sure sign of the tendency of men to be relational dolts that we don’t even see how destructive our doltiness is. Some time ago one of our sons was having a hard time. That hard time expressed itself in anger, harsh words, defiant behavior, and an outpouring of tears. It was like nothing I had ever scene, from him or any other child. I spoke with the boy, and I administered discipline to him. I hugged him, and reminded him that I love him, and always will, no matter what. Which is just where it would have ended, had it just been me.

But Lisa. My precious wife, the boy’s loving mother literally took our son by the hand, and led him out on a walk. She spoke to him tenderly. She helped him find voice to his frustrations, and led him to the wisdom of God’s Word. She assured him of her love for him, his secure position in our family, and of God’s love for him. She brought joy back to his face, and peace back to his heart.

None of which surprises me in the least. Because she has, time and again, done much the same thing for me, her husband. She, in fact, did much the same for me before I was her husband. As she did with our son, she saw into me; she discerned in me secrets I shared with no one. And instead of using that insight to beat me down, she used it to discern how to build me up. Better still, in both instances, with our son and with me, she brings her insights and requests before our loving Father in prayer.

Ladies, you will serve your families well, and the kingdom well, if you will do the same with your husband and your children. Men, you will serve your families well, and the kingdom well, if you will rejoice over your wife as she brings her giftings to bear on your family. Be a family. Do not let the challenges that come with life let you forget the calling of families, to stick together. Celebrate the grace of God in putting the perfect balance of ingredients together, and mixing until smooth.

Dear, your husband loves you. Your children love you. Let’s keep swimming against the current together, leading our little homeschool of fish. Let’s praise the One who redeems us, who brought us together, and who is leading us to the eternal land of rest, back to the garden. Worthy is the Lamb!

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One Response to Praising Her in the Gates

  1. “Thank you” seems to small of words to express my gratitude for how you praise me.
    I am beyond thankful to be your wife, to be a mom, and a grand-mom. God has blessed us beyond measure.

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