What Do You Think You Are Doing?

I’m trying to fulfill the great commission. I’m writing a blog, six days a week. I’m trying to put the gifts God has given me to work to edify the saints. I’m growing a fledgling ministry, Dunamis Fellowship. I’m seeking to exercise dominion over the creation. I’m publishing a 25 minute podcast, Jesus Changes Everything, every weekday. I’m repenting and believing the gospel. I’m teaching Bible studies and Sunday school classes, and training others to do the same. I’m seeking to better reflect the glory of my Savior. I’m preaching the gospel, in 280 characters or less, to 40,000 of my closest Twitter friends. I’m laboring to love my Lord, my wife, my family, more faithfully every day. I’m teaching a philosophy class at a secular college. I’m daily seeking to mortify my flesh. I’m writing books, and helping others to do the same. I’m wrestling with the devil, answering his accusations with His grace. I’m stewarding my failures.

And I, knowing you have a similar list, would like your help. If you believe the list above is a fruitful one, and if you believe I can be of use to the kingdom, would you consider an end of the year gift? Better still, will you commit to a monthly gift? All those who make such a commitment will receive, as a thank you from Dunamis, an autographed copy of one of three books- Growing Up (with) RC, The Call to Wonder or When You Rise Up. All donations to Dunamis are tax deductible, and can be made through the donation portal on the homepage of rcsprouljr.com.

Dunamis Fellowship labors to see the church filled with and led by humble servants who are well trained biblically and theologically, consumed by His glory, captured by His grace and compelled to spread His gospel. Dunamis recently had its inaugural board meeting and will be meeting again in a week. Our board members include my own pastor, Mike Drury, two more local pastors that are also my friends, Jamie Hart and Jason Baueuerle and my dear wife Lisa. This group, as well as the elders of my local church, hold me accountable for my life and for my teaching. We are working together to create an organization committed to an honest acknowledgment of our failures, a humble dependence on His strength and an immovable trust in His promises.

My prayer is that over the past year the work we have been doing has been a blessing to you, that you have been encouraged in your walk, that you have been equipped to bless others. My prayer is that such will describe the coming year as well. Help us to grow. Help us to serve. Help us to help. And please, pray for us, that God would bless our efforts and that we would be found faithful. Pray that we would not just teach the truth, but rejoice in it, that Jesus really does change everything.

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