Why are Christians up in arms about homosexuality?

First, I’m not sure such is true anymore. Some, to be sure. Many professing Christians, however, are joining the world in embracing a love and let love ethic. Given the choice between being culturally marginalized or marginalizing the Bible, too many of us choose the latter.

Out and About

There are, however, some Christians who still are willing to affirm a biblical sexual ethic, which precludes homosexual practice. Biblical Christians have always taken this position. It was not, however, so much front and center fifty or more years ago. What changed? Not Christians, but homosexuals. There is a reason homosexuality was once called the love that dare not speak its name. It once made sense that homosexuals used to live in “closets,” hiding the truth about their sexual peculiarities. There was, not just among Christians but in the broader culture, a consensus that this was twisted. Those given to such behavior kept it on the down-low. The only reason Christians find themselves having to be bold and upfront in denouncing homosexuality is because homosexuals and their fellow-travelers are insisting that we celebrate homosexuality.

Pride, In the Name of Love

While it is in fact not true that all sins are equal in the eyes of God, it is true that homosexuals have not cornered the market on sexual sin, nor grievous sin in general. The norm among the hetero-normative includes all manner of besetting sins, closeted sins, Spirit-grieving sins. One could argue that homosexual behavior entails not only a general violation of God’s sexual ethic but adds to it a radical rejection of His created order. Homosexual is not merely licentious but also perverse. Whether true or not, there is a deeper distinction in our day between homosexuality and fornication, adultery, and other forms of heterosexual sexual immorality. No one is publicly celebrating those sins. No one is claiming one can be a faithful Christian while giving themselves over to those sins. When was the last time your city set aside a day and gave a parade for fornicators? When was the last time adulterers took to the streets to announce their pride? No one is demanding that those opposed to these sins be considered sexual immorality phobic monsters on par with the Nazis.

Intolerance to the Intolerant

The homosexual lobby has no interest in protecting their “rights” to do what they do in private. No one has been trying to take those “rights” away. The whole of the movement isn’t about what they do, but about what we think about what they do. We are being made, through the tender mercies of the state, to care. Christians want nothing more than for everyone to repent and believe the gospel, to turn from our sins and rest in the work of Christ for us. The homosexual lobby wants Christians to repent of our Christianity, our belief in the gospel, our conviction that we are all sinners, that we have a duty to submit to God’s law. Christians proclaim our message, the sole weapon of our warfare being the preaching of the gospel. The homosexual lobby uses the bludgeon of the state, their sole weapon of enforcing their religion of “tolerance.”

We Christians have no need to go out of our way to condemn homosexuality. We bear a message of deliverance from every sin’s power and destruction. We remember, such once were we. We must, however, have the courage to not bend God’s Word to the world.

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